woolly—-“ tr&s touffus”—by nature frizzle^j^ivip^.to thej^ead
an, enormous volume^ especially wheq^negjecting to tie their
locks and fix theta behind, th%#ufler. them to fa|t,;hi front.
They have very little besyrid even inC old Ayjhfpfe
black as well as th^ eyebrows, the moustachios, and th e s e s .
Although Jtneir noses, are somewhat flattened, ,t,h.e,ir tips thick,
and Iheir countenances are'plot
disagreeable, and there is nothing - ... raahfr»r^bn -• nt to f^^rn^nol— -79tv4g«r\okstBs,uinIs ' t*hU.e * ird.lluaDugviho.
Some have noses mqi;e depressed than.^qthers.. “ We saw
individuals who with fea^urpp flittlq l^ r^ lrf^ p p ^ flo ^ jjfla p v e
deScrih|d, had h a h flat, psmoqth, tajj4 &J|ix^lQ$eg( Ijhpt their
shoulders, \ . vi
Peculiarities o f i/#e i&kutt ç f tfe
described bit , Qppf. an<|8Guimard.rl|
The heads b f the Papuas,, display, fe.rrflatteningJ9gfB.,^e
anterior1 an<f,posterior,parts, togetherj^fith a,<large andtfeusd
extension of the fauces. f
The ,summit of” the headis,.derated.i VS$£8$êÊÈ!Êl
talés” very prominent, thp tepiplpSnyeryf(Çq^ve^^. anflj tfeft
coronal below the semicircular lines of the temples have a
remarkable projection.
The bones of the no^e, almpst vertipak flpltejqed as if artificially
depressed, have little projection : theÿ are narrowed
at the middle part, and enlarged both above and below• The
form of the nose^.ps above indicated, CQ|rrpsppnds,itp ..this
structure?vthe bflpct pf. which is increasad^tjbaktHa .breadth of
the ascending apophyses of the upper maxillary .bone., r These
bones themselves are- much broader than in the European
race, chiefly on , account pf the greater developemept. of the
malar processes pf the maxillary hopes, and this character
gives to thé face the great breadth which is so remarkable in
these insular .tribes.*
* This peculiar conformation of the broad-faced Papua skull corresponds
remarkably with the description of the Esthonian Finns : see vol. iii. chapter
on the Finnish Races. We-must observe that these osteological characters
The anterior opening of the nasal fossae is levelled at the
inferior jihrt in a greater degree than in the Negro. The
malar bones advance moré forwards, and the zygomatic apophyses
are broader and5 moré* projecting.
The alveolar krch IsYöf very remarkable thickness in the
part which cpïrespöndé to fbè pmlar tèéth.
Tbë df thé ahteriöf palatine m^ménTspèms to indicate
a -more ëöhëidéfabfe 'nevelöpëmeht' of the naso-palatine
gah^ions and a greatér perfection ïn'fné pfgan of taste.
These are the remarks óf MM. Quoi and Gaimard upon
the óstêèlbpëdl characteristicsTof the insular Papuas.*
M. rde Frey cine t learned, upon what appeared to him good
authority, that cannibalism prevails in New Guinea, of which
he adds that no appearance of cruelty, or barbarism observed
among the Pa'puats of Waigiop indicated them to be capable*.
Though inteffigfehf, and^i#e^ witty arid lïvély^spirituels^
timidity and mistrust appeared to be leading traits in their
character: ' '4 Nó próof appeared that they were capable, of
violent abts b r''o f ;robbery ; on the fcontrary, they * appeared
mild and hospitable, and on a notable ..occasion when they
had an opportunity of abusing óur Confidence.; we had occasion
tO rejoice in their good faith.”1*
Paragraph 2.—Papuas of New Guinea.
The north coast of New Guinea is the first tract that presents
itself to the eyes of a voyager through the Indian
Archipelago as remarkable for its great elevation.' The whole
northern coast of that gc?r. eaan ts . i. shlaunh d ..i..s... ..a .{ V h. iag hg... and mountainous
table-land covered with lofty forests. In the eastern parts of
New Guinea visited by Captain Carteret the land is level by
the water-side, gradually rising into very lofty hills, which
belong to no race of people approximating to the Negro type. The face of
the Papua seems to be much more flattened than that of the Malay, and to
have more of the Mongolian character.
* Observations sur la' Constitution Physitjue des Papous, par MM, Quoi
et Gaimard. Voy. de M. de Freycinet, Zoologie, ch. i.
f Voyages, liv. iii, p. 47-