termed Tsotra, orstraiglit, and Ngita, eurly or frizzly, there
are an.indefinite number of gradations.”*
A more exact observation? separates 'thése people into four
castes with réfëi€ticëu t ó ’their* physical characters. These
are said to be, 1, tribes of olive complexion with straight hair;
'%r ólivr-éoloürêd pëéplë withëbrly or frizzly hair j 3, Blocks
having straight hair ; and 4, Blacks with frizzly hair r the
first and the last are the most common, of which Ankoya is
the principal iehidéncë. 1 It is: more properly the province of
Imerina, which is only a part of Ankova, that is the pabode
of the IlovaS ethnologically so termed: in the other pro vinces,
vizP lmamo, Mandridrano, Vonizóngoy Valalafotsy,
and Vahimanhanatra, a large majority of the people are* black.
The Hoéas/as Mr. Ellis says; are a race distinct from all the
rest of the Malecassian people. They are evidently hot thg
aborigines. This writer'conjectures that they are a colony
from the island of Javav ' •
The present abode of the Hovas in the interior, that is,.in
Imerina/ is not supposed to be the original corrntryy .or rather
the part of Madagascar which they first inhabited. It is the
general belief that thèy1 Urst came to Ankova from the southeastern
point of the island, arid gradually dispossessed the
former inhabitairtS/tbeyVazimbas; The Vazimbas >are réported
to have been thé aborigines of the inland parts of the island.
Expelled from the interior and their old possessions,- they
sought and found refuge in a small district Occupying the
banks of two rivers in Menabé.
* The same writer afterwards contrasts these two Varieties of-coriformation
yet more strongly. He says :—‘“ The various tribes of Madagascar, physically
considered, constitute two distinct races. The peculiarities of one are a
black complexion and a taller, stature than that of the olive-coloured tribes,
a stouter .body, thick projecting lips, curly or frizzly hair, a frank and honest
Bearing, and a grave or timid expression of countenance; Some of the tribes
exhibit a full bust like the Negroes of the Mozambique shore.”
“ The fairer 'race/mèluding the Hovas and many of the .Belsileo and Bet-
simisaraka, are of a light olive or copper colour, smaller stature, long hair,
dark hazel or black eyes, erect figure, courteous and prepossessing address,
active movements, with an open and vivacious address.” - -
PctiMtÿraph'2.—Description p f - ih e .M%leea,s$ians from
Le,Ge|Q!t-j^';BJe Imagés,..andjqtbers. f
M. Le Gentil ha§i-ig%en, -thp qfollowingr. description. of the
MalecassiansvbfF ft
“ Il ne m’a paru à , pro,preipg§ql; ^parfer. quef 4pux5,^fpèces
d'hommes àfüadagascar,*toyites les deuxjAtçmpg^quid.i^Tèrqut
seulement en ce que l’unefipoWfcd% ài $fide d’Afpqup on de
Mosambiquey est trèsnoire et-a dé; la .laineà à l a ,tète, qepime
orï dit ; c’éstdv dire des cheveux epurts et crépus ; cette
e ^M e esfelen général forte pt* vigoureux.' /Les-xu^rs de la q^e
d’Afrique opposée ; «à* Madaga&cardmntf depend apt -.pncore plus
oorpulens; -tant t e r hommes .quelles-; fénpaes*.;bea«çopp plus
forts et plus vigoureux ;&il
ces-deuxmæidroits, cependant si voi®ipé^qp^ifi||itS^ia-peu-
prèsi comme 'des -cbquillesÿ?6t ; peut-être * .Qanuxtp ,dev tous les
autres*animaux en | la! même;e^pjèce j de -gst
* beaucoup plus 'grbsse- à i Mosanlbiqae : §t^le jpngtde la ^ t e , et
p tes wàé »eù tcfisuleur qu’ellp {.top fl’est? au ï^qtÿ- P.auphinvjglgle
long de la*o^ë déiKested§ Madagascar.. <?
I ou le milieu de
File ; eélde* n’est pas si- noire ique la ffuemière? s%,t^uleur . est
plus, bronzée, mais elle est surtout, Betuarq,uablespar $iejg|awls
cheveux, longs et plats, qui pax^issept in^
le moindre pli ; ils en font de.tlqngües tup.es, qu’ils l^is^ent
descendre bien au-dessous des épaulés; cette espèce n’a point
le nez écrasé : un une physiognomie k L’Européenne
ornent souvent un corps.tp^hi®11 fait,.’’- He adds
that those people who inhabit the centre of the island are
termed Qvas in that dduntry f* he- thinks - they* have* some
resemblance to the Egyptians ’ and to ’theyGhmfe^e irrtheiT
features. They are a -more- slender and agile, but less muscular
and vigorous racé than the Ne^qqspf Madagascar,., 4
M. de Pagès describes the * woolly,. haired Malecassians
nearly in the sameteras. He- says« they are- tall and well-
proportioned, have crisped locks, large and beautiful eyes, an
easy carriage, and an ôpeù and unreserved countenance.