Mch® remoterisstfee idiom of the Avaracotti, though* Still iptel-
ligiifelmthitïi^kdlïeimediîuiiliîofiAhe Taraanàç,a! (Bilii $aysr%r-
thér that* tfrexiefcidicMrap%; whoriiid ohith© éasterb > of^lhe
Orinoco,repeak01ikèftbe;T:aiÉianad®, and he ?ass@rid>rthecsmh©
thing;>of thee Safe Demie .or Amazon& on. the )C aod®$?©$nm
>ii lia s aïTOrÿ remarfefele^et3ifliat-.thaLXamanaesr#h)|uitddhe
found ©isgta aie; with the 0ha^ims:abtsod>dst;- a ;;dista!i3yç©jiapd
*©pa*âted fmm them ihÿi Garai beau nati ons. The Caraibes nfinst
»either! be a kiuæloeed dEanfol*} rthnugh iaemere rrdm^tgjonfin
-s&isestöckf who gaiaècbindfe recently fppësessiôfi ^fsitbeiia^dr“
mediate region, or a people of entirely distinct QSJpgjb .-;fQn
ihatfaqppositicMa^it; is exteemelytdi^enlfo hvxa^geapt^fdf the
o’eseiBhianiîBiQfiâheir Ihngu«g&>jto the tEamâna©-(jtoT{hejy| differ
physically from rite people who spgak.vthiït tongue, and no
inflieattiM hasllfeenLobserredfefhniermi&tus© fchatflC^jpspJ^n
theipheno menant j Fi
Para^r^àiiBû^Ti^eâinfiBaliâhli; Guiana]
Weelfauae a j^ iy ^ebitaeecnitit both the! rMib^^elonpeigto
‘ this i^rmipeJ lof /ipiacals -within tte i limits j of British ^fpjfna
iwiittenDbyoMi’V Hillhonsey a ^British - s.ufveyor :atiDetnferM,a,
and pubhshed in the? aerate jkohimej off r,%phieal
Jaffmah It addsosomething otb the--previous knowledge,j of
thadnsliory offheseraces.. It contaias/the(followrns: etltime-
ration of tribes.
ufgJI aSdij*a»Si9im ■■xir'tr. h ? .'5. .Maeusi. ,,
0&&3(&cka.vmpiti Ifftom bm. n§? Paramank
i s8t '-Garabiseer-. ■ ■ I .saoiiM offi*-- Mtamyabu,-,
'vAi < W:ar<mU! aldiuhmn&i isdi 8. Attamacka..
The iAcea ways,'!sddcorddng j to th is writer, are , but < a .k ille d
tribe .with the Caraibes, or, as he chooses to term theoi,, jQ#ra-
bisasfe. The -Garaabeateadl the AcoawayS a brother nation, and
their langnageris Caribean» . Of the mother -tribes. I shall ipre-
fsently addiSomevhiiefin&atkaas* Their languageJsv nearly the
same astheOatfaibe. >i
Mithridal. TK. 3, '2 Xbihdit!— Compare IlerVas, Cafatog. tl'elle liinguej,
and Humboldt’s Personal Narrative, vol, ii.
iai/phb Anâwabài mhabihifbéesÉ&ifbom^ite cefetetern-side; of the
#riifôg& dbd iniSurinariT.
ÿêsf}èctfe% ^ihc&tetofiotbkii née? incjihd^eihomîôfiithe iRènr.
#ï?Qn<àh(^,i'àrmissibrfaTy pi6tbefiMted.t!&B0ihie»jfwhof>ir^»dfed
amoË^tfeé®5Bl.jGiÉi anckiHfen'taà Tagæeeîritî èhéî^sêrlfeion ithat
4h^^ta1^ôa^èiAs*aIdhJécfi©TtlierÆ!a!Râihieam3'ï Vaterj; whof has
■ ôfir^tll^ÿèafysl^lhôasÿtchïisnfeé® tbfo Ahawafcflangtogmiin
îfÿfeï ^@dsêSsQnyÔi,ys2tteâhîit bas îmflâèi^dûifsrcfliateoat toi theiôa-
fâihfeaft^didtoph'&fe^ttesrdEôüdrtçtithioeThiiBfflaiffOvl dadheéhort
^â@àhtifcdy gt^ëtp^yollii'lhoïtse ©thmebésuiïg cifesepfbUtHeesrtait
•ifeis a^ 8 iQ ^ feü ê ïp t^ ^® h ^ (|^ c fe isie® g ^
ii TMeiAëêiWaysî ddeüpÿftl^eesmntry tetfremithexrapidSedJid
dh'^M^ffinoôataitî^âf thé Meï^Jiï^Theyïarèsnötish^ries'dn
Afkwdfesqs tjtóir ©blom? ialh rde%«tliMàiyihpd
'%h<iy%#ö^3öö¥l? fStóhitP^tödt<dilSKïBkfedc9c®h*0sd aoetsaiflflhy
Mr; Hillhhusedb be quarrelsomé and warlikBÿtoeidoàBsk^oïhy
the othér tribes.
The WaroWs are a small tribe inhabiting thé Pomeroon
ëöast : tl®8y>'!M© alîiatidnnôf àd3aî%aildèrsi nT
The Macusi are a tribe little known,- as Mr. Hillhouse ob-
isiiag§.oî*?Theithhàbitfe aiïd nhai'aster.AayeheeB Sjtudied'% Sir
lötldflbfQu^ht wkfevfoim flBöteiaoïdhaAmetteÖaniMdiddnsliófdhe
’tMbéïjWé^^dóx^ecfesöiriefuidhmMifojiiBadtoéahtiikJthf Watery
> and • habi^ofitheseipeobie drom? thisfaoeoHihlisWd t&weôeÆ
ftnrpô^p«înMi»M*làMyaÿ aid Attasmædêdiate tyiàesMi^e-
datory mountaineers.
After thèSé> 'bViefdiotices of the Inferior;tribês I feball proceed
to desorihë*Ih’e^piylical and' moral trajfcswofaâieâGQMh name»
rouè andséhMidêraSle natiohs» Thisssnl^eofeSh tBe mote inte^
restinf ^Shî ft^ e a â that reïnarka1ié^p%rifîàWihersiriea ^ i s t
kétvvfeënJ'the ' different tribelt t^as^lnDthey^Wferlt^giiflb one
'^ ’fàmilÿP'11^ rn'ief oi aeaoosia eri an ^o^eadmmJ enj i].îrw. sdrtî
b Th^^sràâfeiS^fï BritMoOhiadh lh^ehhsti.tdhs£rf®>edhfsMr
Hilllièusé,- ^hô tertûs'itikèÔ Garatbîsoé.) gfUgssays^-^tf^The
tli0gii'Shis'c^?o©eupy,the dpÿér pa^s;offthu d\«SQE^qudho,an^
-iOoiodny, being at the extreme vfenge .«fiihaOcotons^ wib&her
jthey ^etrestpd op .tbs the