the foTefStSj tóid %hó%übrinttêd' 1>y 'tllóUsRU€4 tranqUil
toanné^' óf ^eöStèiifcë Hm|)ds!éS upon tlieni by their Gatholie
instructors, êófÖ, aÉsembïédfin ïheïfeafits* mièëiofls* léarned'té
ëat,! drink, and-‘éïèêfiy arid perform all thé actions of life më-
chanically at thé signal óf a bell or at the call of their spiritual
chieftains^ The elongated portion Of South America beyond
&é^fëüt barrier óf the Pfliagttay aflil thé River of Sllóef Is
spread out Öii Óne side into the vast plains of the hórse^taming
Patagonians, atid On the other risëé into the inountain-chaifl
of the Chilian Andes, inhabited' by^ thë' fiéréè Ónd fiidóÉlitablè
Araucanós, and terminates fof *thé ‘thé
fi^ ra b lè4 natives'Óf which rëéhll M yomé^öf their hsdiits^and
in ihëiri physical charactènStiès th e ';E'sóuiih%uk^ófB^órtli
Amëricfa 1
Se6ti0n îi.—l)isinbàtiôn of ihk SoÜtfc
Révérai gy^tHiamiliés óf nétóonê Htéve1 béën diëcóVëfëd là
Ébutti America, bfâiicîië^idf tvliich hfë B^rëftdf tfifoÔ|jn « ë^tbii-
sfve paifâ of ihê éHbtinêht p buV^e' cànnôf Vëfé^ tô^thfeàë'iSëëS
the great body of the populatîohv The óiSIJy nöé!KÖflrw.btóil®-
fying%e’SÖiith !Ai0brich0: ' iiatiöns that cab bó^d^ntógeously
adopted’ iii me^ré^ift' state drnoUr knóSvlè’dgè'ÏS tfaëiiig
aipong^thè'ëDt sóine général features' characteristic óf different
Ah 'attempt! hâW beëù made oh this principle1 by M.! d’Or-
bigriy, a Prénch naturalist whó has travelled :i n :South America,
to disfribiite,~’ thé varióus 'tribés into dèpartménts.
M. d’Orbigny*S divïéiÓn iëfoundëd on certain relatiohs which
thé, author has pointed' óüt in thé physical characters óf’ various
‘ races ifl’èóhiiéÓriéii' with the local cönditiófls of thé
regions Wîiicih,4iÛié^’ inhabit. In follö'wirig out thëëfe Öbser-
vations he has separated all the South American races into
three ^potfofls. Thé triheà! belonging to éadh are Said'to have
certain: physical tràifs ' ih cómmóh, and to inhabit Countries
differing from èâèn other in ëlîiüate and local conditions. The
nations belonging tó the first groupe are tèrmë'd’ by M. d’Or-
bigny Ando-Peruvians. It comprehends all the nations who
inhabit thegreat mountain chain of Sputh America from the
Istbmus pf Harienfp the extremi.ty .of Tierra del Fvjego. All
these^ nariphs, according to M. d’,Qr|?ig.ny, have a peculiar
physical typer-which distinguishes:; them from other .South
American races, and which ? renders them by organisation
fitted to be the inhabitants of Alpine* heights or of eleyated
table-land^?; They;'differ in form. < as well as ip complexion
from the native races, of sdther, parts-of ,the same continent.
The second diyjsiop is* neither, sp;iyell defined with respect to
the. tribes.which it comprises nor a s ,to its,geographical Hfflits.
'In;ifa;cfofiipclndeaboth pountri^apd races which havesparcely
aflything;m .common,. It termed, the Pampean race from
tht* Pampas theI .extensive-.plains ho£dcring.; on Pafa®ain^f
The members of this groupe are -all the tribe& who wander to
thb'southward of the River Plate’,-irnd^ding the people of
Tierra depFuflgOi us well as the nations^ on the Paraguay, in
d^h^fp,/ ,afldvhbtpi.mis^ipu#' of AH^. f f s„.
The third department is termed “.Race Brasilio-Guaranbenne.”
Jt |ppmpyi§§C jflpfj ull. fho bribes (pf the great Guarani
nafipp, truf likev^g^all p jf^^*easteip
g^^on, of-ipoutbr4^STiqf»,iu^UflipS the,. .jj^tiye;.popmatiqn of
.Brq|il, jj Guayana, and Venezuela^ ,
,, i. I shall cl^^fylthe pattens rp£*S©U£iu America i%.a mfflner
similar to that adopted' by M. d’0xbigny, hut l, mqst bpre
pr^ppso that. I MSL pot, assume,,: thp yafiQUS pptiopsi brohght
within each groupe to be respectively of the same stock:# to be
more nearly .allied , by affinity of |ape, fhpudbL. v%i^toii£^eral
may seem ..-probable, than tribes hoJftflgbig to #het„classe^.
I • shall not. venfgre .-PaU. .the , tbrseq - great tj|^pgrtmcktts^of
nations so many, races *qr fanufies of . nations^ and I shall only
apply these t^rms to, somo Jesa extensile grpnpesi| ifl regard to
which affinity of language iaffor^s apr^qf pf leal r#MibnsHip.
The first cls,ss of nations in th^, fQfkfwiqg ^en^mprafipn,; yrill
ho— 1. The Andian nation^.. PPmy^rphoindme' all the. races pf
people who dwell on. the high.Gordillora pf. South America,
gnd op; or immediately adjacent fo .t^decliv;tje^' of fhe great
mountain chaiov. ,» , ■, i t