Or.ftliese} people some are Abougines, and-others are LubbaS of the
fyfehommedan sect. Their avocaMo'n-'fs^IkbpribUs^bil^they'are dM*
tented, Jand like Cyraon whistle as they pass through the day. The
plate represents their'.common dress; light’ however as that is, they
Sometimes, are less attired, having no turban on their head, and their
lower garment considerably diminished.. The figure has his paddle in
dhe ihandj-and his pipe made’of a cocoa nut- shell in the other. The
“ ■tout ensemble” is:characteristic of local1 "indulgence in one of the
most delightful.climates in the world.
The different kinds of boats of Hindostan are admirably adapted to
the .navigation of the various parts hi^whicfc. they1 are used., The
rivers of the northern provinces1 require, flat-sbroad vessels,»with* little
draught of water, while the southern navigation admits of a .construction
of a greater depth, fpr' s§^t^ ^ against .the high waves of the
larger branches of the fierampoter and- Granges.* *