O r native soldier,, in the|; original country, attire; , tfie lerm is of
Persian giigin?and corrupted fr onySe$pa^kee.t»d’
The Engraving represents a Seapoy of Bengal under (he Mogul
go vernmen EJfrji
The7Seapoys employed by1 the Abouginkl- Princes, to the southward
of Bengal,-afe seldpin encumbered with any kind'of dress ; aijd their
mode of, lighting is crowding, in humb'fets without any; oiider^and
igeheraily jit.gieat confusion. Within'the last twenty’oi thirty yeaisf,
in imitation of their Epfopean neighbours^ they form into something
reSembling^Battalions, but, although sufficiently' B'rayei|pey arefoilittle
use, as, their bravery and numbers does not compensate for thein’de-
ficiency in discigliWand tactics.