‘^ A T E - XXXVI tl.
"WHjstjt a-«fem'|,lld'.yeGlQm^s £ widow, sh^GainTOt. wear- Soloured)%irderl,.
“P B a t e l o a p i n a m d n t s ’) exrcptm'g a necLlape ob ttfqdvteri
heads; andldj^^rSeifetp exterminate frPmB^(mind^alEi'dea;af o f vanity]
her head is; shaved,'Jind^ she becomes1 a; kiiid otst^v^dfr'inl.hftii own
family. B y the. Hindoo Jaws,' a widow^Ganri'oInn ari y again, and.'tli&re-'
toie, irv ordei to slibduS. her passions] ind> deprive hei ’dt*'personal
jaltr^^u^^shetis^slfip^ed’o^every ornamfent, and rhdaced’TO^' state d£
« % . Happily tUS odicp|}®fe] diction, and not less odious cusloriV
are unknown to the fair daughfers-of Europe1, who ’ areJu^fefeMicfih'
the e x c i s e of their charms^ afiflRre ever free fo'ho'hfer thole bfessings
that constitute the happ'mess'-of man? I - t