W hEmfiheyfrep^fmuntras or’hbjyjitexts of counting their beads, the
iepi©motJ^s^feifi^tformediund'^Mheir drapery, and sometimes with
thui’tharaiLs rnkfi^ad ufi a-Sagp&he Hindoos ’being obliged to bfc info-
spatters*. It is generally known, that the
Bsahmuns are the prie’sts, ofethe iH&dops, arid1; that by the tenets of
their them are aligned? the d u tie s ^ reading and teaching
tJteiif 'sacred-•h^ksfiM sacrificing, of assisting others i# sacrifices;
.of giving alms if r i^ , and ifiiqd.igent’mf receiving gifts; they are for-
biddWfjMe,..service, ahd^tfiefge<nfermanee 'of-all menial offices. They
arJ generally, named'ihaam^fie ^oiintries-i-oissectaries to which they
k&b|g,;®ad,ar,e all belddn respectiand veneration, by Hindoos of every
part* -ypHthe Brahmuns of tone c@un£ryv'will not eat-from the hands of
aiBrahmun of another. to be remarked, that although ther/BTahpmns are forbidden to
refit cf into any tiadc, OHmfg/ge many kind of servitude, yet it is well
kriown-there areimanyiofithem whoipursue.commerce, and that there
ram»a#liU.greater.nuiHher,-whoteBter into the service both of Europeans
and ‘Mahfflmmedans, i particularly (the iMamtta Brahmuns, who have
insinuated; themselves »into yjarfousi^p^timen'tStof .«very government,
and into the offices.of eyeryaasgent and merchant of any respectability
im,lhdia, $imy am theraceMIntohis oCboth, andowing to-this eircum-
stance, which; embraces ajl curious fact, i the Marralta states have the
best iweans6®fraseeitemiiBg with.die greatest xdoely, fhe revenue of
every government, :and the fortune of .every individual.