T^ i/i^ tjym en ^ ^ fo im cd ', df-the’ s](elli' or nntl'iiolj'jflarge! gouid m
pumpkin* and halfthe^shellf of »small1 one, joined-togcl»l\eR*by afi non
wire/, 11JSj//fjthe»guitar'kuld, and has aj'fmgdt? bodies2',l|fihches Lang;
and the go.urds arc placed a short, distance lroin tai.Ii end! of 'tjio'boartk:
bieyopji these' are.Jjhe* pe’gsj and, tail-piece',!' which hold the wirfesib Thfe*
gourdsf-aie 14» inches in dhmeterhf^Thelfing^rrbo.ard isb.^bndf', two
inches wide. The wires are; seven j n number, and- consist ofi two
steel on^ffyqry close togethe l on the right side, fuurbi’ass ohes<-,omthe
finger%ija|d',,.and one.bmssloncjon the leit.side.’i 1 lie gb^at singmuifrjk
of this:dnstramentii^s%me'heigKf(bfj;the fret's;»that, nea^fest.thb»nut is H
Inth'ii and, that at the other extremity-abbut ’ ths ol an'icci^1. Jlhejhels
3f i ^ ixt(llpn4wjth wax by the performed iimsGlf,iwjhich'‘hi! does entirely
by i ar. The bets .jre 19'in number, and it is \ciy icmailuble'thaf!
the semitones» change* tfieir rilnnc' onj thq^s^nig semitone as in the
EuropeansOale.i ..The"style, ol/itslmuJuGjis gtnua lly that o.hgroat execution^
The pieces, thsftf'a.fe played^hMyiate^pJjlasirigf and' generally