jA, B E H A L E E A.
T » i s Plate-jreprdsents a! Behai eea or Ujndo%lS5ol4ier*, dressed Ib cotton
,quiltejtf'armdu^,'With!h.i8-piaJch'-locl{’gui};; '.his<'shield is- on his right side
suspended.’ front his^rtn,-ndar itjs-hjs powder-horn, and-in his waist-
bandus’a'dagger. fa the hack ground is;,a i gqotT representation of a
hill-fort', situated omthd margin Of a,river.
The men, on the coa'si^ ha^shld6m an)j other dresS;- than a> pair of
short'drawers, arid amhaiadkOrchief ahoiit thSir head;- and'maych oVer
the most* rugged ground without shoe’s;