A IjiSlicAi. instrument, one side of which is beaten while the other is
rubbed, and is used at a -jhaujhp,-where Saimassies and-other fanatics
throw themselves: frlsjji! a *height on beds of-hails, knives, swords,
pikes,-fee „supported- >by a numberof men? - It i^tnlkesisary',’ the^ ’^a^',
to prepare'themselves by abstinence anthmdftifieationyt-d render them*-
selves invulnerable. It can scarcely be expected,’ ,that;’credif will be
given to the relation of the severe penances performed fey the'Hindoos,
by those who have not the ocular testimony of thet .cirfeutastahees^
though instances'of this fanaticism are to be met with; i-n tthe 'history
of all nations, and particularly .of the Romish saints,: one of. whom,
Bellarmine, encouraged vermin to prey on him, sayffigh “ we shall
4‘, hayp heaven to reward us for our sufferings, bhfetheis&ppoifmturfts
fh have only-the enjoyment of the present life.”;.'