D ’H A V K.
T hu-stii-usedi at: marriages and! - 0thS^,'rt#gto*®; ceremonies. Thé1
niawnpr of snfemfiiainffi .a marriage ié as-fdËQWSthé bridegroom fèJ
céives tlae- hsnd.of :th&bride óves abra^s- pofcifilied- WiÖi
eovesed^ wi$ho.]taum,er..m0ng<»e - leaves*: having ^oii- them a plantain.
The-fetbetj iór a relation «€, the bride, then declaresÊ& ÜaStëiiigé“ 'óf
the parties, « r fH y .tlie- genestkïgiêS -®f --titoê'ï#' feailiès* • and concludes
♦W wInfilfl hy thR dptivery <rf the bride's portion. Afef-tte éérëMMf;
thé: bridegroom «mMsfreniainfürscm&eïtótiéat-’théiïèilïsö éffhev^öèbté
q! the bpdssi'to wtóeb ha gaésin. ;pltoeéésiaft4ö b# tlfistédHMSê'SBjéö5
of his;.affections*. JBijeVïous- Jw this »éeiebiPatiöny thöl,liiitefeteiü eatmót
see bis intendedwifiv> exeeptrby stealth. • TÏiiè'- pafiïy^of afges ,-iss'nSi|
always oobsüI*et^-but themost proper is deemed, the: ittalë fwelvé*afèd*
fourteen, and the'girl' from seven to nine.