p l a t e E re ;
A J ¥vL T R U N G.
T h i s is a>cbMeetion»pf earthen oi\ohma cups-, adaptedltb the different,
notes off musie,t apd^played on-by two sticks; ôt'pieçeà TK%
sound is nçt^artijfularly gratefulpthough .by anEürapéan
performer^anhagreeable effect mightib,e produced». -Tn.pfEntfdijtoner;
that?of^tË&ayçupSiiâ}h<&'ti dissimilar t<*.tBS musical] glasses;-, tKougfidt
bears a greater* resemblapce to an instrùmenfe latel^pVrdjSC’ecf^i'nî this .
coùntry-,vcalled the';Harmonieafcwhich<.cohs}Us< ofif riloW;- blue.’ glass
played* on ...by sticks,?Wd-^spmetimesî ma'de.to. aof^ÿî^mmerspurider-* j
neath, or^the, principle oft.the .barrel organ;, In the .lake r'casé, thefc.
sound ofthe iarmonica is very like that of theyultrung,