A D ’H Gf DU C :
T his is a '-smaifl dfilin, <fised at an^Seidblywho irifet to ’hearTbe
text- and coiSments ‘dn ®e^b5ohabaunlt.* The trefaddr srfs on an -elte1!
yatedIchhi* J ddeoftited with Bowersthe tialgtaiii ‘s totfe; stfnk ‘shell., fee.
In‘thte inot^hg;hte ryads 'fflfe fesVw&Kih^erfflftle attended «toi,«*.
few understanding ^he'JShaiMcrit- laflgtra'gfe j- 'bnt'%i Iffie1
etnnfeg, ^heH lhfe' e^iana®®1^! flife•Bengalee' Mgbhgelis delivered,
together with-*ihe cotoafents y>f the >«ffidl£ftmg :p*fest, ^hg 'medting is
exceedingly crowded.
* A poem, 1 containing ‘the -history d f the family bfitsij ah -Bharab.