and I captured some new and interesting insects; but as
it was getting late I had to reserve a more thorough
exploration for future occasions. Coal had been discovered
here some years before, and the road was made in order to
bring down a sufficient quantity for a fair trial on the
Dutch steamers. The quality, however, was not thought
sufficiently good, and the mines were abandoned. Quite
recently, works had been commenced in another spot, in
hopes of finding a better vein. There were about eighty
men employed, chiefly convicts; but this was far too
small a number for mining operations in such a country,
where the mere keeping a few miles of road in repair
requires the constant work of several men. If coal of
sufficiently good quality should be found, a tramroad
would be made, and would be very easily worked, owing
to the regular descent of the valley.
Just as I got home I overtook Ali returning from
shooting with some birds hanging from his belt. He
seemed much pleased, and said, “ Look here, sir, what a
curious bird," holding out what at first completely puzzled
me. I saw a bird with a mass of splendid green feathers
on its breast, elongated into two glittering tufts ; but, what
I could not understand was a pair of long white feathers,
which stuck straight out from each shoulder, Ali assured
me that the bird stuck them out this way itself, when
fluttering its wings, and that they had remained so without