Java, island of, i. 4, 6 ; forty-five
volcanoes in, 8 ; a forest cquntry,
11 ; birds and insects peculiar to,
18, 19; residence in, 148; excellency
of the Dutch system of
government, 148, 149; the culture
system, 149-152; the native
chiefs and the people, 151, 152;
increase of population, 153, 154;
Java probably the finest tropical
island in the world, 154, 155; its
history and civilization, 155; its
ancient Brafiminical religion, and
conversion to Mahometanism, ib.
(see Sourabaya); journey in the
interior of, 156; ruins in, 158,
164, 165; a Javanese trial and
chief, 170; collections at Wono-
salem and Djapannan, 172 (see
Vegetation, and Glacial Period).
Javanese, the, i. 31.
Javanese vocabulary, ii. 472.
Jesuits, French, among the Chinese,
i. 34; thoroughness of their work,
ib.; their great success, 35; economy
and self-denial, ib. ; a
missionary friend of the author,
Jobie, large island of, ii. 112, 319.
Johnson, Mr., his account of a Mias,
i. 98.
“ Jong,” legend of, in Aru, ii. 248.
Jumaat, death of, ii. 322.
Jungle, thorny, i. 247.
Jungle cocks, the origin of all our
domestic breeds of poultry, i.
Jungle fowl in Java, i. 170.
Kai6a Islands, ii. 28, 29; inhabitants
of, 33; a mixed race, ib.;
fruits and other products of, ib.;
village of, 379.
Kaida Islands vocabulary, ii. 474.
Kakas, village of, i. 404.
Kallima paralekta, butterfly, i. 203.
Kanary tree, ii. 61.
Kasserota, village of, visit to determined
on, ii. 55; difficulties of
the journey to, 56 et seq.
Kâyan river, in Borneo, i. 112.
Ké Islands, i. 9, 13, ii. 174, 175 ;
landing at, ii. 176 ; natives of the,
176, 177 ; habitations of the,
180; explorations in the, 181;
immense pigeons of the, ib. ;
trade and products of the, 183 ;
boat-building of the, 183-186 ;
magnificent forests of, 184 ;
money unknown to, 187 ; mode
of bargaining, ib. ; collections at
the, 192 ; inhabited by two kinds
of people, ib. ; contrast of character
between these people and
the Malays, 193 ; language of
the people, ib. ; mountainous
character of the, 194 ; map of,
Ké Islands vocabulary, ii. 475.
Ké Islanders, a wonderful race of
boat-builders, ii. 107.
Kediri, ruins of, i. 166.
Keffing, island of, ii. 93.
Kema vocabulary, ii. 473.
Kilwaru, little town of, ii. 93 ; a
place of great traffic, ib. ; island
of, 113, 115 ; metropolis of the
Bugis traders, 113.
King-bird of Paradise, ii. 221 ; its
beautiful plumage, 221, 222 ; reflections
on the, 224; its habits,
224, 225.
Kingfishers, i. 44, 245, 413; a rare
specimen, 467, 468 ; of the Moluccas,
ii. 146, 147 ; of New
Guinea, 430.
Kissa-laut, long delay at, ii. 91.
Klings, of India, in Singapore, i. 31.
Kobror, map of, ii. 219 ; visited by
the natives of, 256.
Kora-kora, a boat by which the
return to Ternate is effected, ii.
69; passengers and accommodations
in the, 70; a snake on
board, 71.
Kwammer, island of, ii. 93.
Lahagi, a native of Tornate, ii. 23.
Lahi, a native of Gilolo, ii. 23, 24.
Laiemu, village of, ii. 89.
Language, curious umble of, in
Malacca, i. 42.
Languages of the races of man in
the Malay Archipelago, ii. 465;
vocabularies of, 470 ; list of vocabularies
collected, 472.
Langundi, village of, ii. 59 ; ten
days’ residence at, 61.
Lansats, fruit, in Sarâwak, i. 132.
Lâriki, Asilulu, and Wakasiho vocabularies,
ii. 474.
Latché, a pilot, ii- 24.
Law or no law ? ii. 215.
Leaf-like butterfly, in flight and
repose, i. 204.
Leeches, forest, in Malacca, i. 46.
Legendary lore, ii. 260-263.
Lempias, village of, in Celebes,
i. 412 (see Licoupang).
Lemur, flying, in Sumatra, i. 210;
nature of, 211.
Liang vocabulary, ii. 474.
Licoupang, village of, in Celebes,
i. 413 (see Maleos).
Liliaceæ, in the forests of Ké, ii.
Linschott, his description of Malacca,
270 years ago, i. 39-41 ;
his account of the Durian fruit, fig.
Lizards, immense variety in the
Aru Islands, ii. 205.
Lobo Raman, village of, i. 195.
Lomaptera, species of, ii. 32.
Lomaptera papua, ii. 190.
Lombock, island of, i. 6 ; ii. 148 ;
no forest in, i. 1 2 ; resemblance
to Australia, 20 (see Bali and
Birds), 238 ; collecting at, under
difficulties, 248,249; manners and
customs of the people, 255 ; excursion
into the interior, ib. ; irrigation,
&c. 256, 257 ; punishment
of theft and adultery, 270-272;
jealousy, ib. (see Trade).
Longicorns, numerous species discovered,
i. 58 ; ii. 32, 42 ; specimens
of, 154.
Lories, scarcity of in Ceram, ii. 88.
Lorius garrulus, ii. 42.
Lorok, village of, i. 193.
Luzon, island of, i. 4.
Lycocorax, of the Moluccas, ii.
Lycocorax morotensis, ii. 21.
Lyell, Sir Charles, his explanation
of the means of dispersal of
natural productions, i. 16.
Macassar, in the island of Celebes, i.
331; the first Dutch town visited
by the author, 332 ; description
of the town, 332, 333; an attempt
to collect at, 334; removes
to Goa (which see), 359 (see
Maros); the rainy season at, ii.
157; trade of, with the Aru Islands,
158 ; departure from, 160, 165 ;
diary of the voyage, 166 et seq. ;
re-arrival at, after the return from
Aru, 283.
Macassar cargoes, value of, ii. 281.
Macassar vocabulary, ii. 470.
Mace procured from New Guinea,
ii. 6.
Madagascar, island of, and Africa,
marked difference between the
productions of, i. 17.
Madeira beetles, ii. 67.
Magindano pirates, ii. 59.
Makariki, visit to, ii. 81.
Makian, island of, i. 6 ; ii. 26; volcanic
eruptions in, i. 7; volcano
of, 27 n. ; visit to, 70; coast of,
Mahometan priest at Dobbo, ii.
Mahometans in Singapore, i. 31; of
Ceram, ii. 77; of the Ke Islands,
Malacca, and Mount Ophir, i. 39;
description of the town, &c., ib.;
description of, by Linschott, 270
years ago, 39-41; present position
of the trade of, 41; population,
curious character of, and of
the language, 41, 42; the works
and birds of, 43, 44 ; elephants
in, 52.
Malang, ruins of, in Java, i. 166.
Malay anchor, ii. 377.