
Other nccefiarièsj and we fet out on the fifth o f October, -after
the heat'ief neon, .accompanied by Lombardi. We had alfo
fame séogs and. falcons belongings to the vaiwode. fi
• W e eroded the Iliffus and paffed by the fite ó f fhe Lyeétrm;
After avihói^ dde with ?the greater Hymettw on our left, thC
road winding toward the fea, we came near a village Called Dra-
gonifii confifting o f a ruined tower and a very few houfes, dn a
fmall eminence in the plain. We alighted beneath a fliady tree
by an antient well ihaped like a parallellogrami and divided in
the middle byfive traafverfe marble beams,-one above another.
Hem a leather bucket was procured, a fire kindled, and coffee
G oin g on, we foon came to a Ipot ©ver-run with bodies,
among lybish are feveral wells moftly choked with foil and
jrubbjïfi-.:- Many o f the demi or antient boroughs were unim*
portalt-places, and,, from their want o f chamber, can never be
^feert^ined. Some too s f more confequeace are almoft equally
ó%kp^vnx^he information concerning them not beipg'fufiicii
fixphcit» n SRhis is one o f die few to which aanaane niay be
Pniithe; fide .©T Athens next the^HemctóurÖ dnd
W&é&ÊÊÊÊiÊÈÊ&mÈËlI^Bii tke;piac© toi which Socrates belonged;
A farm at Alopece is on record as only eleven or twelve ftad^,
ajbptif^n^e ^ndahalf, from the city-wall.
W e, now turned to the left, and entered the gap betwéea
the greater and leffer Hymett««, Here, on our fpringing a
partridge, the Falconer unhooded and let his hawk fly, but the
bird, iofbad of purfuisg his quarry, foared high up in the air»
making toward ^.thens.^^the Greek his keeper looking at and
running after him, until he funk again and was,.recovered. ■ i We
penetrated ,i»tp .the neoaSes. iff the mountain, and about fimfet
halted by;fome bee^-fisands, and-fupped on the provifions we had
brought from Athens.
N ight
N|iCaB T. approaching# we lay down to^fieep among the
thickets, each on a final! carpet,; and wrapped m ^fellke or garment
lined with Samp the whole company forming V g W '
round pur tarfes and other animals,tiéhUtttilfét fattened to the
fithbes.». About midnight we were diftupbed” by a fodden kick?#
iqgrand cpnfp|ioti among thehorfes, which was fallowed with
g, qxy Qi\Jft(f0S'*h(iOir a In an inftant all were t^pv
with guns ready to fire, but -the moonfhining, the oecafion o f
our alarm wa&prefently difcovered t© be an afs, which from love
©f .fociety, hope o f food, or-feme other motive# had been
»ntfrired tq intrude on» us,, and now retired precipitately,* bray-
A t the dawn of day we afceOded an acclivity of the ■ mountain,
the ; track; rough and narrow, and ën - the m i f^ id ^ '^
waterTcmorfe }. leaving our baggage behfed- us^ heaped in a1
thicket. W e were told it was fécuré aéiid ^efO-unifthabited
fiilitndes, though unguarded# for, fitch is the rigOtn,rifê r t the
Tunfcifh polity, i f a pilferer be not deteKfted, the vaiWOde on
cw pW n fh v is sX r more than the value of wh-at isTOft^ên the
di-ftri^u irejoMfig in the opportu nity‘Of fini ting'his* private2 ^aid
with public Jufiice and the latisfaétion of the party defrauded.»
W e. were now brouwt by the Greek# Our gttSfe,-' to ^ c ih tid
lac well funk in the rock many fathom deep, the mouth- above:
forty feet wide. | This was the place to be ekahamed;' A rebut
piece of wood was cut# and fixed fo as to project over thehrim.
The Gceek then; got aftride aftiek tied to a nope, by which ‘he
field,i another rope was fattened about his body^ jand‘ he was
let gently down to the bottom. Our Swifs was loWdrCd next in
like manner# and. both difappeared j two narrow paöages- in the
well leading, in oppofite directions, under the motinifairr. 7; The
Swifsfired a piflrol, but the report did not reach u i. On ‘their
return#- they conveyed up to us# by a ropO,; lóiké^fpeéimens'Of
the concretions formed-on the roof and fides# as ufual in caverns;