
avoided, ft is the cuftorp %p t sm jk the wall and ftand ftill,
wfthout looking toward them, while they pafs. This mode of
carriage is good breeding at Athens.
T h e Turkifh women claim an exemption from their confine*
merit on one day only in the week, when they vifit their relations,
and are feen going in companies to the baths or fitting
in the burying-grounds on the graves o f their friends, their
children, hufbands, or parents. They are then enwrapped and
beclothed in fuch a manner, it is impoffible to difcern whether
they are young or old, handfome or ugly. Their heads, as low
as the eye-brows, are covered with white linen, and alfo their
fapes beneath j the prominency of the npfe and mouth giving
them nearly the vifages o f mummies. They draw down a veil
o f black gaufe over their eyes, the moment a man or boy comes
in vlew. They wear fhort loofe boots, p f leather, red or yellow,
with a large fheet over their common garments, and appear
very bulky.
T h e drefs o f the G re e k matrons is a garment o f red or blue
c lo th , the w a ift v e ry ih o rt, the lon g petticoat fa llin g ip folds to
th e ground.^ A thin flow in g ve il o f mpfiip, w ith a golden rim
° r border, is throw n over the head and ihoüïdeis: 'f h e atdre
of..thp .p r g in s is a lo n g fred v e il, w ith a f^u^re. c a p e -o f yellow;
fattin hanging/dbwn behind.' ‘ T h e y 'w ^ 'y ï t j i ' t h U r hand§ con cealed
in the ' pocket-holes* at the ’ fid é s^ an d ' th e i r la p e s are
| o % ü m e s they aflhhie*t f ie T ^ u k S f fg a rh V ^ f c i S e r
prudence' nor modefty fuifers a 'maiden to oe icjen b ^ t fi£ in $ n
before flip is married. H e r beauty m ig h t inflame* th e T u r k ,
w h o dan take h er le g a lly , b y fo rce, ,to his bed, on .p fén ten c e o f
th e ' Cddi o f ju d g e j and th e Grfe'ek, i f iKe revealed h er face tp
h im 'even u nw illin g ly , would rejed^ h er as cr iminal and w ith
T he Albanian women are inured early to hard living, labour,
and the ihn. Their features are injuredJ>y pepury, and their
! complexions
tompleiiofts:by the air. Their dfefs is. cparfe and utftple; a
fhift reaching to the ancle, athidk Éffiabüüf th t Waift, and a Ihort
J l p M Ï ! Their h a t is'flatted ih twb divifións, and,
thê ëAdi faftened të a red filken/fMrtg, which, Wit^f taflely is
pendant tp their heels; and frequently laden With pieces- o f filver
coin, of various' fiz.es, diminiftiing gradüafly; to' the bottom.
Among thefe the antiquarian may oftendifeoj/er mëéals of value.
T he y are feed carrying.water oh 'tjSèif! Mcks, iii ^ ftM n ja^ ,
w iV h^dn dMf ^ aM n g by the'fountains, or^affenibled by the
Iliflus after rain, with the femalè flaves of.the Mahometans
and other fervantsj treading theft linen, .or beating it with a
piece o f heavy; wobd, Üpreadin^ft W thé g ro u n d s biffles, tp
dry; knd ■ ëohvëymg' if tb” and ffo ifi piïpiêfé of wicker^ba&ets
oh: an afsi j T h e if* légs and feet ar^^ne^ally bare,^ and their
heads hooded j as it were, with k long'towel, which epeircj.es
the neck, one extremity hanging down before'anp. the other
behind. The girls wear a fèd’ &üll-Cap plated with peraus or
Turkifll pennies o f filver perforated, and ranged like the feales
b f fifti.
T h e Greek will fometimes admit s traveller into. his gyne*
caeum or the apartment o f his wonden. . Thefe within doors,
are as it were uhcafed, and each a contraft o f the figure ftie
1 made when abroad. There the girl, like Thetis, treading on a
foft carpet, has her white and deïiêaté .feèt naked j thp pails
tinged with red. Her trowfers, which iA winter are o f red
cloth, and in fummer of fine callico or thin 'glufe, defeend from
the hip to the ancle, hanging, loofety'aböüther limbs j fthè
lower portion embroidered with fioWérs, and appearing beneath
the fliift, . Which has the fleeves wide a’rid Open, arid iHe^feaifis
and edges curioufly adorned .with needle-wofk. Her.veft is o f
filkj ëxk'étfy fitted* to the forni ó f the ’bdfoih and the ih a ^ o f
the body, which it rather covfers than cóöéeajsfjndis flidftef
than the fliift.; Thé fleteves butbn ooctóoff^ly to thé hatid, and
are lined With red ör yelloW fattin. A rich zone e'ncoriipaffes
her waift; and is fattened before by éïafps of' filver gilded, or of
R 2 g°ld