
T R 36 A V E L S i-.N G R E E/CjE.
ture, and has an epitaph in verfe. We faw a? few mutilated
Herman Thefe were hulls on long- quadrangular bales* the
heads frequently of brafs, invented by the Athenians. At.
firft they were made to reprelentonly Hermes Or Mercury, and;
defigned as guardians of the fepulehres*. in. which they, were-
lodged} but afterwards the houfes, ftreets,. and. porticoes/ of
Athens, were adorned with them* and; rendered,-venerable by,a.
multitude o f portraits,of illuilrious men ,and women* of heroes?
and o f gods : and, it is .related; Hipparchus,, fen-of Bifiltraf ws*
eredted them in the dcmi or borough-towns, and by the road
fide, infcribed with moral, apophthegms -in-elegiac verfe.-; thus.-,
making them vehicles o f inffrudtion.
T he., acropolis, ally, dr citadel, was, tbo city o f Gecrops.
I t is now.a fprttefi, with, a thick irregular wall, Randing on: the; ,
brink o f precipices, and inclofing a large area, about twice as
long as broad. Some, portions . of; thex. antient wall may be,:
difcbyered on.the outfide, particularly at the: two extreme-angles;;,.
and in. many places it is patched: with.pieces? lof/cdlumns',: and;
with marbles taken from , the ruins., A confiderabh&cfum. had
been recently -expended on the.fidemexfc'Hymettusj which, was «
finilhed before,w e arrived.. The icaffoldmg'had heen removedt
to the end toward : Eentelev but momy wa&iwanting^, arid tBner
workmen,were withdrawn. Theugairifbm'cenfiftS;:io£j«a ifessrL,
Turks, who, refide there with. their, families,; aad urefCaHedby
the Greek?, Gaftriani.or .the foldiers of the caftlea.-. Thfl&ho&wwr:-
nightly* from thei?a ftation: abovet tfa ee-town*. tor approve** theirtit
vigilance Theirhoules overlook the city,; plain? .andigi^f, . butr
the fituation isiast airy as pleafant, and attended;with: foxmany;.
inconveniences, that, thofe. who are able- andnhavetbe option
prefer living below, when not omduty;- THe.T.r«ek?.ia;lqfb|e’i
abrupt, and inacceffible, except, the-front, which is towaudthe
Piraeus; and on. that quarter i is ;aomountainous ridge*
cannpn-£hot. It is defUtute ofi water. fit for drinking, .and.fijp*
pKes are- daily carried up in. earthen, jars*, on horfes. and
from one o f the conduits in the town.
T R A V L L S * n G R E E C E. m
T he acropolis furnilhed a very ample field to the antient
virtupfi. It was filled with monuments of Athenian glory, and
exhibited an amazing dhplay. Of belOty o f opulence, and o f
art; each‘ contending, as it Were, for thef‘'|uperiority. It
appeared - as one- entire.-offering. to the"deity, iif^ek^
celleneej and aftOnilhingin xicbne-ls. H’eliOdorus,- named Perre-
gfctesA jiiepijdeZ Lad: employfed,d® it
of- yarloust WbdSk?- with thb pidlures** ftathd&r and pieces'*pf
fculpsturey- werfe fo many and f# remafkab{^\a&,|o fuppiy Pofetho
Periegetes with matter for four volumes; and xStrabd1 affirms,
that as many'would be required in treating of other portions of
Athens and-pf Aftiea2 In! particular, the number o f ffartue^^s
predigeousi Tiberius Neve# whpfwas fond- of images*; phritderedf
th«fhbroj^SA-u9s-rwril'a»'I)dphb«^QljttBpia:p>ycr Athe.hi>r arid-'
eachfof thdfe places-,-had'not fewer ;thanrthree th6ufand!remam^
ingj iri the-time- of-Miny^ Even, Pau&nlss feetna here-' to be-
dilireffed by the-;multiplicity o f his* fubjesft.; Rufi'.this banquet, -
as it;rtee,-rbfr.the fenfes-rhas katgiheeirfiwiA’dik^rts-jr' ahd:
'is! now- become Hkjci the?, tale df a vifion.
with conedrih the-naarble Puir^ ihtermixbds-withtffiqan-fiat-Tooffidn
cottagess ^arid extant> amid!- rubbilhr;; | the -fed: memorials kt£r.art
nobler people;;j whiel>,r:bowevck, *as vifible-fiom-thd+fea, .ffionld
haveriAtroduelff^modefniAtherisi-tie there- early?noticelo ’Tfaeyo
wh®'reportedrif wasb-ctolyria.-final! Milage? mull„rit hisv been*»
fiujmifedyj havd behdkl. the :aeropblis‘^brough the wfongtemfof *
their telefcdpesi.
W hen we confider the long.jferieat Sfr'-yearsylrwhieHt has;':
elapfed, and the variety of fortune, which Athens has under-
gofflep #e teay i -wfuder- that! .a%; pdrtiori--©f the, oM-vcityrdfSs
efcapddv and that-the!f teflill- furniffies-an- ample funff df curious:!4
entertainment. Attieus-iis-'tepi'&feMed by, Gidero? as;r8ceiyin^ r
mocerpleafurd-from the^red^iledridhrof-theemihefit menrthadr
produdadj ithanv frdtti the;fi^el^iedifiees!ana!exquffit^#<h!k^!c»f -
aritienttartd with which fifcthetr abodnddd.- The tnw»Her nefed hot
be fo. refihed-.to! derivefatisfedtion everihow from-feerng-Athens:
C H A P .