
T R A V E L S- m N | <& R vEf5E>CTE.
ornamental. The-ftream o fo n e if tb e d f r om a dolphin, on
which was a brazen Neptune j of another, from the hoof of
Pegafus, on whom Bellerophon was mounted. On the (right-
hand coming along the road leading- from the market-place
toward Sicyon was the Odeum, and the Theatre, by which was
a temple o f -Minerva. The old Gymnafium was at a diftance.
Going from the market-jdape toward Lechæum was a gate, on
which were placed Phaeton -and the Sun in gilded chariots.
Pirene. entered a fountain -of white marble, from whjeh the
current paffed in an open chanel. They fuppofed the metal
called Gbrinthian brafs to have been immerged, while - red-hot,
in this water. On - the way u p to . the Acroeorinthus , wefie
temples, ftatuesi and altars -; and the gate next Tenea, a village
with a temple- o f Apollo fixity Radia or- feven miles and arhalf
diftant, on the road to Mycenae. At Lechæum was a temple
and a brazen image of Neptune. At Cenchreæ were temples;
and by the way from the city, a grove o f cyprefs-trees; : fepul-
chres and monuments. Oppofite was tfhe btatb o f -Helen, watfer
tepid and fall, flowing plentifully from a rock into thsifea.
Mummius had ruined the Theatre of Corinth, • and the munifi-
tcërfie o f the great Athenian Atticus.Herodes was difplayedjdn
an edifice with a roof, inferior to few;of the rood: - celebrated
ftru&ures in Greece, -
THÈ Roman colony was referved to fuffèr the-’fame calamity
as the Greek city, and from a conqueror more terrible than
Mummius, Alaric, the fdvage deftrôyer [Of-.Athens and univer-
fal Greece. In a country harrafled with frequent wars, asu the
Peloponnêfus has fince been, the Acroeorinthus was a pofi :too
confequential to 'be.négleâcd. I t: was-befieged and taken in
1459 by Mahomet the fecoqd ; the defpots or lofcds^îofLithe
Morea, brothers, of the Greek emperor who was killed in
defending Conftantinople, refilling payment of the arrears of
the tribute, which had been impofed by Sultan Morat in; 144.7.
,T&fc country bec9.mb;fnbje(St to the Turks, except3fiich maritime
places a s wérë'ih in c' pdfieffibn of the Venetians ; and many
“ . . . ' o f
T R A V .E L S ; i n G R E E C E . *3 9
of the principal inhabitants; were, carried away to Conftantmople.
Corinth, with the Morea, was yielded.to the republic at the con-
clufionofthe war in 1698* and again .byit to th eT urk sm 171^.
. C o r in t h retains its old name* and is o f confiderable extent;
{landing on high ground, beneath the Acroeorinthus, with an
,eafy>defcent toward, the gulf o f Lepanto * the houfesScattered
or in parcels, except in the Bazar or market-place., gCy prelies,
among which tower the domes of mqfques, with. corn-fidds,
and gardens of lemon and orange-trees^-are, mferfperfed«. The
air is reputed bad infummer, and in autumn exceedingly-unhealthy.
The principal Corintbiaus-retire ]intp, the country,
from whence our hoft, who had been- apprized ^ our coxmng,
..was recently arrived. We^ifited the archbifh
, 0™ mare with llirijl»»»?*# r fn V
whidt is decorated, as I f“ *
extreme heat; with fome otfier, cireumRances, rendered us impatient
"to'gift “away f and prevented us from- afcendipg to the
Acroeorinthus, in which are a few inhabitants, as .in th.e citadel
ofAth ens . Whelertelates,, .that: from the, top he enjpye^one
l ot; the molt agreeable profpe<9s , wh ich sH i f e
- He guefled the walls to-be about two miks in compafs,,;wiclqi-
“ ih g ; rfiofoUeSi5 with houfe^afid churches moftly an ruins.if A n
1 hdur was conftrfned in going up on, horfeback. It was a mfie
vfirthe foot of «the hiU;; -m f ih o% th ^ e ?the0way/ was^ery fieep,
-wftfcimany traverfes.. The fkmilies I p f i n g ^ l o m ^ W h
-mfeftedhy a n d ,e v e r y .alarm.flecked up-tothe caftle.
Our felucca was at anchor in .fh e port fiill called Cenehreae,
, now as little frequented as -the - Piraeus.. I was.afiured, that
, t nothing s remained there, but a ftatue. fo.imd in digging and much.
adnuihated. ; 1
, CqaiN^ h has preferyed b u flew mpnpm<?p{$ oh
iRomgp < citizens. ^..The phief remains.
4 cpppfr to f ^he^tftVn» h i ,ab<lf? the j el^^en
fuppapting their architrppst(j f the