
brit fie was admpnfihe^ by ftq oracle to peprefent to the empe-rör
the deplorable' eenditios pjf the place. «* Tell him the well*
f* built qpwrt is fallen to the ground, Phoebus has not a
j* cpttage, nor the prophet je layrgl, nor the fpeakiog fountain
w (Caffotjs) ) but even the beautiful water is extin<ft.” ..
W s paffe d by many broken farcophagi or Hone coffins, when
we approached the ntonafiery, Higher up on the right hand was
a fquare ruio with a fmall doorway, perhaps the bafement of
the monument of Phylacus. The imafonry is of the fpecies
termed Jncertum. borne veftiges o f temples are vifible; and
above them, in the mountain-dide, are fepulchres, niches-with
horizontal cavities for the body, feme covered With flaba.
Farther on ia a niche cut in the rock with a feat, intended* it
feems, lór the accommodation of travellers wearied ‘with thé
tugged tfadk ahd the long afccnt. On a part finoothed is
engraved a large crofs. The monafiery is on the fite o f the
Gymuafiom. Strong terrace walla and other traces of a large
edifice remain. In the wall of die church was a marble inscribed*
4JA&-iAA&atP$ J%acid?s fareyoel$ and on another, within
an olive crown, - -
O A H M O SfjU A ® H N A, I, O S
In the pavement within was a, long infeription, the letted
effaced* We found alfq feveral architectural fragments. The
village is at a difiance. Cafialia is on the right hand as yóii
afeend tp it, the water coming from on high, add croffing the
road; a fteep precipice, above which the mountain fiill rifes
immenfely, continuing on in that diredion. The villagdlML
fifta of a few poor cottages o f Albanians cavesing the fit# of
the temple and oracle. Beneath it to the foath is a church
qf St*. Elias, with areas, terrace walls, arches,, and veffiges
o f the buildings once within the court. The concavity of the
rock in this, pant gave, to the fite the refemblaace of a theatre.
TutfJing to. die k ft ha»d, as, i t wet® toward the extremity Of
one.of thé wings, yo.u.eome again to; fepolchm h*Wn- i# thé
T R A T E L S i n G R É Ë C Ë . 267
rock, and to a femicircular recels or niche with a feat is Ofi
the other fide. Higher up than the village is thé hollow of
the Stadium, in which were feme feats arid feattered fragments.
A t the village we fearched for a pieée of wall, of the rnafonry
termed- Incertum, from which Mr* Wood had copied feveral
inforiptions. We difcovered a ftorie of if containing, befideS
feme other lines, a decree in honour ôf an Athériiaû living m
Mxolhfi the facred herald of the Amphidtyoriri ; giving' him from
the- god a crown of laurel, with various privileges,’ One- of which
» . precedence at; the games. T h e letters Weiefeir, but with
gaps betwee® them, the furface appearing as eritfen by tithe, arid
refemblirig: honey comb, o f a white Ooktui?. Thi$* i f is likely,
wav the ftorié called- Porüs. A fpeCirrie’O" o f it-mâÿ he: feen in
the qoMedtionof marbles a* Oxford. The remria-rit’ of wallwas
probably^ a portion o f the cell ôf thé temple, which' fronted the
road from Cafialia.
ffiiGifîÇRî up, witbifl thé wlligej fci ri pîéée ôfxàhtSênf w a ll
concealed feeftw view' by a^fised, which itffippotts. THfr ffdrie
isi btoWfH- rough, and- OÊtfiWriry,* pCdb’âfilÿ fSfiitf o f ParririmiS1.
Oh the fbattefidfe atéÉmaHÿanferipÇio&SjiwithWiétègripS^étWeeri
the. lett^Sç which are oegfigentlyyArid faintly cut j- rill nearly'Of
the, fame, tenor,. ; and; -very difficult 9° copy. . They regifter the
purchafe. pf flavês, who had entrufted the price of their freedom
g § the ; gofi^jggntaining, fil© contraâ between Apollo and their
owners, witneffed by his priefis and by feme of the archonsw
This .remnant feems to be part nfi the wall before Çaffotis j as
above» it is fiil'V a fountain, which fuffpiiès" thé villrigeWith' excellent
water, itisTikelyî frOriT th’e'âritiéiff fôtiiCé.
T he water of Cafialia, from which the Pythia and the poets,
who* veïflfied1 fief rirffivefsy wérë* belieVeff'to dfeii^ % lafge
Ifiarepf thfeir inl|iitat?î“ôny dbfdWds'tfifôûgfi'a'cîfeff df iferi'aflus-I1
the .rock" OiT eatfi* fiBb fii^'riba ifbëpi endihg ln two'fiammftsfi
M m 2 o f