" muftcian. Lyfippus an Arcadian was teacher.’* The . third
has a like preamble, and refers, to the fame year, but to another
clafs of competitors. “ The. tribe Hippothoontis conquered in
** eonteft o f boys. Theon of Thebes was mufician. Prono-
*f mus a Theban was teacher.” Pytharatus was archon in the
fecond year of the cxxvnth Olympiad1, fo that Thrafycles
prefided and procured other tripods, to be placed on the family
monument,fforty nine years after it was erected by Thrafyllus
his father. Deceleia was a borough-town o f the tribe Hippothoontis.
On one of the tpipods was reprefented the Rory o f
Apollo and Diana killing the ..children of Niobe. It is mentioned
h y Paufanias j who then proceeds to relate, that he had
feen this Niobe on mount Sipylus. The figure f over the grotto
was probably intended to reprefent that celebrated phantom,
which he has defcribed; the idea o f placing the ftatue there
correfponding with her ftory, and being fuggefted both by the
tripod, and by the tragedies, which were a&ed in the theatre,
containing her unhappy cataftrophe.,
G oinjG, on from the theatre of Bacchus, you have an exten-
five cornfield, once part of the Ceramicus within the city,
on the left hand, now bounded by the bed o f the Iliffus, beyond
which are rocks j and before yciu, on an eminence, is the
monument o f Philopappus. At fome diftance from the theatre
begins an out-work of the fortrefs, Handing op antient arches,
fuppofed to be the remains of a ftoa or portico, which was con-
nefted with the theatre called the 0 &him\ % This fabric was
* Before Chrift, 27 r.
* If i£ be eonje<Shjred that this figure reprefented a Tribe, the anfwer is, that««
inltance ot luch perfomficatioa has been produced.
Paufaniasmay be cited as mentioning ftatues or pi&ures of the people, but this is
a miftranuation. Demus was an Athenian of Angular beauty, the fon of Fyri
kmpes a friend of Pericles, v. Meur/rn Pop. Atb. p. 774. p. 779. ( g g
* Pauf^niar, p. 23, defcribipg the acropolis, mentions that Attalus had offered
the war of the giants, the battle of the Athenians and Amazons, &c. which weie
4®cw ^ agaiaft the fouth wall, and each as much .as two cubit*.
defignddiBy PerMes' for the muficaPcd^tefts, Which he regulated
and introduced at the Panafheritean folemnity. The building
was fitfifhed by Lycurgus fon of-©ycophrbn-. It contained
many Irows of :feats' and marbMJc©l:t(fmn:s. The roof1 was don-
ftredfced With the-rriafts afid^ards ^Pe rfian '{hips, ahd^fofftiecl
to imitate the -pavilion2 o f rXerxesv Here was the tribunal of
the - aichon;?or®^|)remf - maglftrate 'f arid J-here" the ^Athenians
Mened to the Rhapfodifts fteheSffih^Mil poem's\%0 Wyinter, and
to the’ fongsiiW'jijfaife of -the p^friof s- Harmediiis* and Ariftogiton;
and’ Thrafybulus. Afiftktfi; afld Sylla fet iton fire1; -the former/
When he fled * to the acropolis,4;beeafafb I® %lnbeFwould* heVe
enabled J-the eftemy^ to raife^Mietefi^'ibr ^ ^ a t t^ k ' ^Rhbut
Ms of time. King AFiobirz!nes2 tKe'fecohd/ name'dl;Philopatbr,;
who reigned in Cappadocia not long after*, feftored.it; and itt
a fifable is an infcription, which h^fbeleriged to a ftatue o f him
erected by the- perfons,-; whom he appointed the'overieers. He*
was honoured alio with a ftatue by' the’ people? as appears from
another infcription. Before the entrance' were ftatues of the
kings;’ of Eg yp t/ -and within, a BaccEus worth feeing.' This
was’ the edifice in being when Paufanias publifhed' Mff-A&ttlb*.-
Afterwards, as' he informs us, it was rebuilt by Atticus Herodfes
in memory>of his wife Regilla. This lady was a Roman of
high extradtion, and died a f ill ftS^e^ wEich Herodes was fup^
pofed to "have abetted j but he put his :houfe info mdufrilft||
refuftd a fecond cohfulate on account* o f his affliction, and dedicated
her female -orhamerftS 'ihfj the temple at Efetffis.? This
fabricr wasiroofed with cedari and' Greece had hof a rival riy if in
dsmehfions and magnificence. The .wall jSf the inner front of
the profcenium is ftill Handing/ very lofty/ wkh open arches j
ferving ;as part of*'an but-work-»of the- caftle-j and bdyoriE It,
turning up toward the caftle-gate, a portion of the exjteffor Wall
Among th^pfo®gles'^ichtwere fuppafed-to have pfe.figlilfie®' the event-fdffAe
war. between Antony, who yras ftilei a new Bacchusy and Csefar,. was filliV-S the
Pactdius4n thfecoinbat! with- th f^ a r iW was loofe^d' by aftiutrica^esSMd-iostje » ta.
therfheati-e beniath«. ..Eitttkrfch;
1 •* £rouHh*3ie*r ■ (kvflaffafiFlfftfiMilktiiiigi'
K o f