
and fc& ait^fider ttotinfoior to arrfy in Oreeee or elfo-
whei^. I By 'Chfer-onea was a barrow with a lion on the top»»
beneath which the Thebans were interred, who perifhed in the
battle with Philip. A traveller into thefe CountriesiunderThe
guidance o f Parufanias, will diScover elaffieal monuments;; natural
a-ndartificial euriofiti£s> ^nd 'vefiiges o f remarkable buildings
and places riot hitherto explored.
I t 5iwas ■ ■ 'now the beginning of July, -but the fufflmits of thb
M6hnik!Ms ^efk labile w l fridw. Many rills defcend, krid
fertilize f^ofe bfeai™iggfaih, vines; and the cotton^plant.
We faw fnakes near the water by the road-fide, and peafants
reaping with green wreaths to defend their heads from the Inal
A t length, leaving Schiile, we turned to the right and began to
afcend an aCcfivity of Parnaffus, the track flody and rbugh,
difficult even to a perfon on foot. We p'afled the ftream o r ‘the
Pleiftus, which turns an over-flint mill, and, after a weaitlb'me
ride o f about five hours, alighted at a monaitery of the Pariagta
or Virgin Mary. ' We found there a caloyer or 'haoiik and? kri
old wibtnan^rlWftb ifupplied us with rgoodr wine. Gur^Fddiffi^
was in the portico of the church, which is fuppdrted by'brdk&ft
and ill-matched columns.
C H A P. LX V I.
$>an£iity o f Delphi-— ’The AmphiStyonic ^embfy*— T he^rach-^
:JThe temple— Its riches—-Its dbclfaen-■ *>
D E L P H I was the chief and moft illuftrious city in
Fkddis; ^Rs^TariHity was deduced through a long fiiCceffioriJ of
kgek'froto a irivdlv&d in Table and obfcurity. The irtflu-
€ilde o f Tts god hks cohtf oiled the councils of Hates, directed the
cbUffe^bfA'firiies,' and decided the fate of kingdoms. The
antient hiftefy .of iGre,ece..is full of his-energy, and an- early
rpgifteriof.,his authority.
n T « E cireumjapenijpties were the Rewards and] guardians/ o f
ihmgod.; Their, deputies cotapofi^- the famouk-Anaphidlyrinic
adembly, .which once, guided Greece,:.. It was convened in
Spring and autumn at Delphi or Thermopylae. The Romans
aboHfhed that and the Achaean, congrefs,: but both were revived.
Paufen^s^who .wrote abguf the fdyh g tphydijia&#r% pne
Lundrgdand feventy.five^ ,menti.ons: the fatme? a^i^en{cgnfij£!$$g
©f thirty .perfons.. They prefidqd at the. Pythian gam$sri which
•jvere Celebrated every fifth year at Delphi, and bellowed the
n^waEd>o£iwi#ory, a crown riffau^ L{ &
i .T HjTC gracular power was-fuppcfpd-tp Igfidfi jri kylegg .
With a fmallsaad narrow mouth, faid.to huvcheep dhbovered by
goatherd?» who .wgre iafpifed by, thp^afP'ife f#
it, fand;propheiied as from Apollo.. . ,A lofty, tripod,^cked with
placed over, jheiapeittute^. V fh ?
afteJ5 waffiing her .body and .efpecialiy her hair ip ;ther coidv water
/H.Caftalia, mounted on it, to.receive th f -^ iy ^ -^ lu g ^ i §he
wore a.crown of laurel, and fliook a fapred..tree, which gtew
by. Sometimesfhe chewed the leaves* and the frenzy, which
followed, may with probability be attributed to this utage, and
.the gentler or. more .violent lymptoms to the quantity‘taken. In
one inftance .the parpxyfm wasTp-terrible, that the priefts and
fuppliants ran away, and left her alonwo expire, it was believed,
.of the god. H e r . part was unpleafant, /but, i f lhe declined
acting, shey»: dragged her by force to the tripod. The habit of
her order .was. that-of virgins The Prijoiped temperance
and chaftity, and prohibited luxury in apparel. The feafon o f
gnqpiry was-in 'theifpringn^u«pg the n^pth ;c$led Bufips^
,ftfter which Apollo was fuppofed to vifit .the altars o f the Ifyper-
hareans.; , Delphi was conveniently , fituated for .the conflux of
fy in g in the-;<?ejitre.. of .p^efcf?, ^ i id ,^ .-was thep
imagined» .of the Uiuverf?» th e.god prospered in his. bufinefa.