
of which, one' was-called Hyampeîa, and had' beneath it the
rfbered portion'.of AfttpnoluSj^a local herovàs diftingwiflied^'a«
Bhylaeus. « > Rromihls precipice the Deîphian s /threw dovéi ‘the
famous.Æfop. By the ftrearo, within the'cleft, are fmall
hrdkén 'ftairs leading to a cavity, iii which iis water, and once
perhapsupiothe to p iG ro o v e s havebeen eat, and1 the ‘toayks'df
vifihlç on the fpcÉd /hut. the çarrônttninfteadi ofjfup-
plyiag a,|QU0taiuy now .paifesi osier; ,its native bed, and italiens
)4©Wh' a cpMrfé] deep^worn^ to joân thedîimdnsiîdGkïfec’ibysi at
the fpot- o f , thereafter n. precipice, is à bafin with fteps on the
tnargii^f-opee, it is.likely!, the bath ufefl by the Pythiaj . Abovei
in. the: iide.of the mountain, ds a.petty church:dediEated tp S&
John» within f which are| excavations. refembling niches, ipartly
Concealed ;^rom view h y a tree. T h e water is limpid,, iaftd exceedingly
cold. Returning: from . the village, in theevening, I
b-6g%n _tPow»fh. my hands in it, 'but was in flantly chilled»: aïîd
fèjkftd^ with ta; tremor, which rendered. ;me unabfe to 'Hand or
^pdhlwithout fupporjt. Gn reaching the .monahfer^ ,I. i was
WjÊappediiiifciat gansent; lined with warm fur, and, drinking
f r ^ y i ç f wine* fell into a mod •pfofufe'jfperfphation; This
incident,vwhsn Apollo was dreaded, might have> beenembel-
liffied with à fuperftitiouSiinterpretation. Perhaps the Pythia,
whQr bathed. in this icy fluid, miftepk her Ihivering for the.
C H A P. L X V ill.
i Coryci## cave^W^eler'i ijourniy on
i 15 W°Mt iejnnrh -r- Some Albanians , arfiye M\$ke
\c- 'W0jna$ery. ^
. P £ R S STJ S; was the w$.ftern boundary o f Phocis, apd
ftretching northward from about Delphi toward the CEtaea#
mountains feparated the weftern Locri from thofe who poftefled
‘ W
thejfe^-coaftbfioife . It È & a place, of. refuge -to thé
Delphkns -in -time? ©ƒ. danger. In the deluge» which, happened
uiid^i-Dje^calibhi thp.hadye$ were ;&yed on it . by/ following
thfycry-of\w°lve4£<- On the invaiion by .Xefxqïs fome tranf-
their families over to Achaia; but many concealed them
m” th.e*md®ntain aud in Go/ycium, .a grottp of. the Nymphs,
- A le.-Parnafids was reridwned for fan 6tóty, but Coryemm was
ithiwmdft'>nbtfed amohg the hallowed :ciw«S'4iidj places^ « Oft the
way to*thte fummits o fïPaBaaffqs^ qfays iBaufsrdtsJcas'töüclt'as
^‘.fiixty ftadia'* beyond Delphi, is - a biazien im age ;j- and .-from
,m thence thekfeent to Gorydum is eafier fot krtkarf o& foot and
^ f q f / miles- and horfes.*~Of.afl thei^aies^'fc which. I have
fceti,. this appeared to me the he%worth feeing.' On the
[‘ ‘ ^cdatisand by the &a-fide are-more thanr canrdse numbered
bfföb|ït>ïbiiie are very famous bathdh Greece and'lP'oiHerepun-
:: T h e Gorycidn cave'éxcbeds in magnitude-thofe I have
«« nfentioned, and for the moil part may be paifed througb
without: a .light. It is fuffidently hight^ and has water,.
M Xbmedprïng&ïg up, and yet more from thb^oofu w bkh petri-
„I«spies jafbc:'that ! the; bottom!of jtbêEwhofe cave is covered with;
^dfpdriy «ietó&r 1 T h e inhabitantsrof Parnaffus efteemdt fttcred
i ,*y to the Corycran Nymphs and particularly to Paft. From the
« Ï cave.to reach'the fummits pf the mountain is difficult even
**. to a man oft'-foot. The fummits are above the clouds, and
** the''women called Thyades madden on them in the rites o f
“ Bacchus and Apollo.” Their frantic orgies were performed
; W mexl er and- his "company aicended ParnaiTus from Delphi^
fbrfté' oft'horfe&j by a track between the Stadium arid the clefts-
o f the mountain. Stairs were cut in the rock, with a ftrait
chanel, perhaps a water-du£t. In a long hour, after many
traverfeSj' thfey gained the fop, and entering" a plain turned to*
r Seven miles1 tod a half.