
I # T R A V £ £ S * i n . G R E £ £ £ .
T h r evesiog a n d ? t b e t h e w$ft;
and,- north« weft .,ienfirelop.edu dmt.tdcajd^i fro®!awjMjehts(pr§9q^gdi
lightning,, ipale^andifoiky, vor> refembling the.expardhm/of
d£ fimic* We) werebeealmedifbihai few minxes, ^uvtth®«fef§^fe
returned, and w» movedc^eafafttlyvalongjii the* ifp]i?#{htd moon
difelofingotReTolenin hills,? and thmfea as bright as placid. We
now tacked, and Handing to-the, north-weft, .cam.§it&;,*3h&t^9b
near the ftiore j and then doubling a low point of .land, caft anchor,
about three hour?.after fq n - fe v b y a vefTel within the
mole of the city %^Egin^
T h e maritime genius df the old ALginetans.. was founded,
like that o f the prefent Hydriotes,, upon nec^ffity. ; This too
produced among ahem the iiiventijitj,,,&£^nlverhomage ;* -their
commerce requiring a medium, -and their dotfctry furniftiing
only fuch unimportant articles <fm expmtationi/asAendered, the,
venders proverbially contemptible. With this, difadvantage. did
lh& »becomea. rival of/itSA'ni|igbbouf>Atbs^*;; Tts
fite,» iivhjch has been long forfaken,, was now naked, except a
few 3wild ^fighfees» and,jfome; fences; ;®ade: hy.pihng; th^jlojoid
ftones, b It hadopsodueed eoroiaandiWaskt^tl cleapedi-ffo®]jh1®
Rubble.* fnftead of the temples mentioned, by Paufani^p, ,we had.
in: yiew. thirtnem lonely ,ohutebes*{ al 1 jyety mean, -asiufttil i, and
two Doric columns Supporting their architrave., vThefe ft,and by
the; fea-fide, ^toward, the low qape haa> been, , fbppofedj,,
are axemaaotjof ,n temple ofKenusj, which was fitnatedlbys,tbej
porfciprioi^aBydlreqnented. The theatre, wbieh, is recorded
as. worth.feeing, refembled, that o f the Epidaurians(both in fi^e
and. svorkmanftjipi;? If wag mot %hRdllbilbe priyafe3pertivtbje
ftadiumri which, like that at JPrieoe, was popftrpijftgd .with only
one; fide,,iheing-j oioed to itjbehihd, and each.ilruftws. miftp^Uy
fuftaining and, propping the,.other« > The w#U# belonging:-todhe
ports, and arfenal,,weEe,,of excellent ,®afonry,, and may, be
traced,to a cqofiderable, extent,- above, prrnearly even ywith ;the
water. A t the entrance .of the mole, qn fre left, is a fipall
■ SfT 0 chapel
T R A V E L S m m I G R E B C % m
chapel of St. Nicholas; and oppofite, a fquare tower with fteps
before' it, detanhédd from which a bTidgerW«S^Ia®d)iacr<i)fs5.ftffbe
removed 'on any 'alarm. -J -This ftrudiupe, which is mean,; was
erééted'by>!thè Venetians,'while at- war w-ith'the-Turks, in 1693,
s®i#^pearal by hn infeiiptiow/eu teur- large characters ohM .piece? otf
vêibed m&iMè »fixed in the;wall^i£heopiedit as exaiftly-as its-
height and the piowerful -reflection of ft bet: fera uwoul d.p ermit ^
. WÈËjÈ letters remain of a! more. aafierit infctipdok'in Greek. ?
D xl 0 k É Ê O I A Ï -M O T v- 3 ■■
F R A 'ÊÉ C I 1 0 I M A V ' R Ö ^ ' E N'd I *
D 'V.C I S V E‘ N E T m C G M I V S S 7
a l o ’y ' i s i o *m ’o ' c/ e 'i f f c p is
C. Q.Y £4». £1 I q v R T„E
„E R Ei^TjA^ui
t. A. MD-C XGdIL
T H E' harrbw, which we faw on- the ihore, was pfohably. that
o*nce by- thé' Asacéu'm. • It was defignedpxt ^felated,? for Pho-
dds/ an#l^tS Mftoiy^' asf iöHöWsi.’ Télttmonn:and^ itel§üsj ^ s V€d’'
j®&USlQbhaHengedi -thek halfibEötBirJ4%oc«a^ö -contekd in" thé'
Pëntathlum. - In throwing the 'ftone,; which ferVed -aS a quoit,
Relëus ^hièuPhoeUSiS' Who^’was killed §i tvheö^böth of- «Hèm’#êd.
After#afd^,3d T elam'ón^ fe«t ache©4d: his; dnjïoéénfew.1
JÉacug^buM3nbf4 uffer^himi toslafldj- cft'dtdJapolOgizbil'exc^jfe
yeftel if or, 4 fhe'jchofevratheri :ftteah?a heap^aflfjxip
thé water. Telamon, entering thfe priaafeiport byhight,, raifed ai
barrow, ‘as a tofeeUy i f is hkely,-of a! pious regard for'the dCceafed.
He^wa^afterWa^dg. con demised,-as-not free from guilt r anAlkiled
away again to'Salamis. “Theharrow in the fecondceiitinry, wheiis
feen h y Paafanlè!s>fi!was-ftin>©und©di with a fence, andibad hniit.a:;
rough-1 ftotibi!The terror o f fome-direadfol Jtidgemeneto be inflict
ted fmm heaved had !pi-efemd >dt entire and «Bèl«erédito8;his
time ,•'and in a cdun^ry depopulated ahd negleéled, it- may ftilk
éndaïe fbr^maii^ ag^.-
T he