
It was» pl^n.t .or herb growing, round about the acropolis, and
called afterwards parthenium, i
. -figfet; wing ntlie prppjlça was a tptn.ple p/-,ybf|ofy.
They r^ated ,^at' ipgeus/ had hood there, v jewing the fea,
and anxious fpr^heretprp pf his fqn Thpflus, who was gppe tp
jCrete wiffithe tributary children tp be delivered tp tfee Minotaur
Th? weflel, -which\c%rried Æ.emJ l^d black ^ ih &itïRg
the cgçafion o f ka -yoyâgpx npd ag£?§d, ;that, j f Thefqps
overcame the enemy, their colour Ihould be changed to white.
The. HffiMIsff this fi^ s l was fetal* tp PS :jfefing
^b?'.f%h nnaltered^ threw himfelf dpwn headlong fr§jp the rock,
ai?d PeMlb?d.* T h ? idpl yfas named •‘yQtfbQHfc it
-y^§ ffd4» becfjjuift the news of <he fuccefl of Thefeps did-not
arrive, b a t with the çpijaugrpç.: J$ had #ppn^egranMie in thp
Pgfcfi h^dr: and an helmet in the left. Aa the fta^pe was wflb^
out prions, it was hoped the goddefe would *em&n for- ever on
the Ipqt,
O n the left wing o f the propylea, and fronting the temple
p f Vidtory, .was a building decorated with paintings by -Polyano-
tus, o f which an account is given by ^ | a L This, pdjfipe,
as well, as th? jcpapfe, wa? -pf the dqrip, prite, the r^nmryg
fluted, and without bafes. Roth.contributed alilte. tq. tlie uniformity
and grandeur of the. defign; and t^e wh?le fabric,
when finilhed, was deemed eqpally magni%ent and,ornamental.
The.intervaL between PeEifile^ and Paufaniasaconfifls of feyorgl
centuries. The pjappylea remained entire in the time, of this
topographer, and, as will be fliown, continued «parly To , to a
much later period. It had then a roof o f white marble, which
was unfurpafled either in the fize of, the Tones, or in the- beauty
of. their arrangejuient.;,and before each wing, was an equedrian
-^Paa"6ntós,. tf. 2’0. Éfantâim t* A!«t — ?»
■ a% - P* 35r>. a"d ?Pon’ P- *3J/> ndt atteridjng enough to thie paffage, have
uuft&en one wing for the other} OE tu tin g the right anffeft of the humln body,
for the right and left of the propyléa. 1
Tri'B propylea haVe iceafed to be the entrance o f the aero*
polis. T h e 'paffage, which ’ was .between -the columns in the
fcentréi. isbwaljeff up? almofluto their capitals, and; abovëi is a
battery of cannon. The way now winds before the front o f the
aniient ftru&ure, and’, turning to the .left hand among -
rtfbblflt and mean walls, yoa törftê to the ba.dk part, Sand
fö khe -fiw doorways. The^^R-^^thdut # rflifefl‘ higher than
thd top of-the twö fedÉlén .fiilr e , under the vault and cannon
lies an heap of large fto«es‘, the ruin o f theroof,^
T h è Tbtoplê ó f Vi<fl<W» flaftding pfi an abrupt to@k,bh df its
back and And' fide • uuihcbmbered: with the modern ramparts.
T h é fcoli8nfï8 ' in #hd?ftóïit beïrfg «wallid üp,^ yojj ónték it b y a
brëaöhförthófldè* ‘within thé ■ '•!£ytoggi uftd by 'the
T u rk s ; as a magazine- for • poWddr, until about thé year 16^6%
When a fuddëft ó^ldnon} .èëéafióöèd b y lightiflrigy carried away
the roof, with a houfe ereCted oh iMt belonging to the officer
who commanded in the acropolis, whofe whole family,J except
& girl* peiifliéd.' The Woriiert b f the AgTcbntihued t© fcnabit
In this quarter, but it is now abandoned and in ruins.
# T he edi of the temple of VfcSfeory, which $s o f white marble, -
Vaty--^thiók, aa®3: fltortgly cetoifftdd,, fefficiefltly witnefles^ tbte
^teat violence it bas;^üitdètgóöi i the flones in ; many plaeis •
bdittg di^öïnfed, &s> fl Werê^ artd forced from their Original
pöfitióft. Twó' öf tbefe making an acute angle, the exterior
%dgês touching, without-a Gpe-viee ^ and the light abroad being
fn&ch ftronget jthte id the foom> wbioh- has a modern-tooTiiand
*s-da#k; thé pdrtién in ebbtart betomi ng pellucidy had illomined
«he vacant fpaefe with a dim colour, rdfembling that of dmber,
We were defined to 'Oiamirfe this extraordinary appeamnoe,
which the Gpééfcs -regarded as a^flanding miracle, and which the •
Tdrks, who eouid mét édrffitee them* beheld with «kpial'dftd-
Wë-Ö3öfld -in'tbe«gapfome'Coal§, which had been
brought jéti a bit c f earths ware for the parpofis of burning
G incenlè