
, a C ^HjA P. X.
b f ihe jarHenon— O f Me ja tu e . o f Mtnerv4 -- - O f Fhidtas 2 ?
The Jldlue remaining ffpw fubah — TV^heti removed-*— The
temple w hehru in ed -f^ fcrtbjd taj ti fp -^ -P r fen ijla ie—r- The
f'^ ^ in ed ts-f^ O th er^ ^ tb -eA d -p op S ed ,^ ;^ , pars. '
T H E chief ornament d f • the' ^trcpaKs was the parthenon or
great temple -of Minerva,-a in oft fuperbarrd magnificent fabric.
The Perflans had burned-theedifrce, which before dbcupied the
fitte, and was cafled hecatompedon, '.from its 'being an- hundred
^eet Fquare. The weal of' Perfcles and of all the Athenians Was
eixerted in providing a Par more'ample/and glorious refidenoe for
their favourite ; goddtfs. The W<3utcdts were M jW f j i and
Idtinus ; and a treathfe on the "building was written ‘by the latter
and Carpion. Tit Was o f white marble, of th,e dbric order, the
columns Anted afid Without bafes, the nnmber in front eight .i
and adorned with admirable feulpture. The ftory o f the birth
o f Minerva was carved !n the front peditnent j and in the'back,
her conteft With Neptune for the country. Thebeafts of burthen,
which ;had flbnveyed up the materials, Were r egardedar fact ed;
and recompenfed with paftures ,* and ‘e ftp^w l^ -l^ r irb i^ a r lh r
headed the tram, was maintained during fife, Without labour,
at the public expenfe,
T h e ftatue o f Minerva, made for this temple ■ by-Phidias,
was o f !tvory, twenty fix cubits or $hirsy m n k feet higb>
I t was dedked with pure gold <to th e amount o f forty fbui*
talents, 1 fo difpofed by the advice p f Perictes as t© be- taken off
and weighed, i f required. The goddefs was reprefented Handing,
with her veftment reaching to her feets Her helmet had a
Sphinx for the creft, and on the fides were Griffins.; The head
of Medufa was on her breaft-plate. In one hand fee held her
fpear, and in the other fupported an image of Vidtory about four
f IN H tabnts valued, according to Herodotus, at thirteen times the weight in
filver will amount to above 120,000/. fterling.
cubits high. The battle o f the Centers and Lapithse was
eftryed^n feef <m l\er ihi4 i 3 wfefeh lay ^t 'bpr jfeet,
g f&W lg iq B fih Wltif ,4m
Amazons^. !®y.he* .91%} c g f e g r p i n ip
f t^ y p f Eriehtbopjus j $pjdpn tbepsdfiffeh jfo® .
Tike §p|&is,,tke
w m its& i?. -V l% ,-j»age •. s?§9 jJaesdUo thp t?m|de ,in 4 he £ & .
year /offedlie.{^gh|ty feventh Glyiw-pkd in.whiRb ^fep.pRlppRPr
ne&ut war began. The gold was iMpp^d ggggfcgtotfg« tyfanf
Laeharp?, when -D^sietriu^
Tihe' lame plun d e re r plucked
acr©pblis,^and'carried away.ihe guide® w i t k 4feprp|i.r
ivelfets artd entaments Tramled ifer Abe Paqathenaegi^
festival. k
4 ifl iWaa ■ £§ Phidias, f&ittPffly h? excejlei
Tnhiii tb#n i tnen Va
t-bp jpbftgnce of ,a p^iqgyric.*
Ratue,. rwMch '^e ;p%% Jaf|erwar^> dm J«IRitff-
Igijyj Ipip % jdjpye
0*: gsR§r°Rfljr.;4r« ^ » . ifeut
SsfolLjas k is iRiffSsdi»
an fhe j{s«:e |^itly..^§nigf^lg4-ie
extended before it ,
.^ m being perceived. Much envy and obloquy fo^gpcd, when
lihafy uVdrf1- - P WKS®».;
fem^cjivgs an W apji
in ^js hgn,d,sc> }anjd-:f ^ 5| % P ffiv jffljpftfofejffib i&i^
rtjie. wbcde, swo^tf^njd B94 he remeved Ifithpiiq^t^ql^ig in
pieqfsr,, H,e ^as ^qcqfeduqfjhavjqg,embezzled fqa^T^^y, ,^y
jjkgrgutg mqii^rfqr the -qf th® .ferpqnt than ha(d~be^n,^|Br
jfumed. lie fled to Elis, jci|le^L l^y the peqpj.e,. ;tp
' /ecure their Jupiter from a rjjval*. -
* Before Chrift, 453. Periele# fiirvived-on% two^ ye»ss ®id; 8-hulf“ .