
A thens . has. on the weft fide .of the plain the mountains
Ægaleos and Parnes». now called Daphnervouni and Caflia s on
the north, Brileffus or Nozea -, on the north-eaft about-fix
miles difiant, Pentele ; and next the Ægean fea, Hymettus or
Telo-vouni. The latter has a gap in it, dividing the greater
from the leffer mountain, which is toward the foutb and was
formerly called Anydrus, from its being deftitute of water. The
clouds attracted by iome o f theie mountains antiently furnifhed
a variety o f prognoftics of the weather. A fmall cloud in the
hollow of Anydrus, or white clouds in fummer above the
greater or leffer mountain and on the. fide, of Hymettus, portended
rain. I f in the night a long .white cloud, girded it
beneath the top, the rain generally continued for feme days. A
long cloud refting on Hymettus in winter pre-fignified a violent
ftorm. A t the fetting o f the feven ftars called Vergili^v light-
ning about* Parnes, Brileffus, and Hymettus, if all were /comprehended,
denoted a great ftorm « ,if two, a leffer ; but i f
Parnes alo,ne, . ièrene weather. A ftorm enfued, i f clouds enveloped
that portion o f Parnes, which was toward Zephyms or
% weft, It,-was obferved alfoj that a c^pud^efiiugkpp Ægina
and aboye'tne temple of Jupiter PanheUenius .there, was cpm-
monly followed by rain.
A day or two after the ftorm be£ore--men,tione|l., thp capu-
chin, as wp were çpnyerfing. hy the window „of his. apartment,
put his hand.inpautioufly op the .frame* and,, fuddenly withdrawing
it, complained of a painful puncture.. A Turk, who
was with us, on examining the wall, found a fcorpiç>n of a pale
green colour, and near three, inches long» which he crufhed
with his foot, and bound on the part affçéted, as an antidote to
its own poifpn. . The fmart became • inconfiderable after the
remedy was applied j and as no inflammation followed,, foon
ceafed. The fting, i f negleded, produces acute pain attended
with a fçyeç and other fymptoms for .feveral hours, until the
paroxyfm is over, when, the malignancy of the virus as it were
decaying, the patient is left gradually free. Some pjeferve
fdbifflbh^fn oil ih a viaf/to be u f e d i f w h i c h commits the
^ ftfohlde^apd j 'ihSugfc it fblddm happens Bht on tfumt -
ing Up a feg dr' ftohe another may be found to fupply its place.“
This Was the only one I ever faw at Athdinis, within doors.
We ftfppdfed-it had entered at the window* fo'r fhelter, and tc*
aVdid the danger b f being drowned by the? flood.
We remov’efrom the Convent— A Turk defcribed^-Uhe Atbeni-
— A ^urkijb foot-race and w reflk f-m a l& & ^
Banee^of the Arabian women — Greek dances f# Marriages o f
the| ‘funks— O f the G refs'— O f the Albanians — Funeral
- ceremonies— No karnmg— C r e d tl^ ;'d h d 'f^ e^ ft^ ^ s
W E were inftru&ed by the committee of D i l e t t a n t i
not to interfere ;at Athens with the labour's bf MelP*. Stuart and
Revett> hut folely to attend to artk^*'W<fif^ utHey: had
either omitted or not completed. With this reftriftion, we
foon perceived, that we had matter to detain us much longer
than had ?been expe&ed. After fome wdeks the profpeQ: o f a
fpeddy cbritdtiflon continuing diftant, we removed5 from the
* cobvelrt LbVlarge and commodious houfe, belonging to one of
the archotts.- It had many trap-doors and hiding-places, and,
ftianding detached, was called (wfo-<) the ijldhd.
A p l a c e 'where the fair fex bears no part in fociety will
be juftly fuppofed dull and uniform. Indeed, a Turk is generally’
a folemn, folitary' Being j with few vifihle enjoyments
exfcept his pipe and coffee. The former is his conftant companion.
* It is his folace on the fofa j ahd When fijuatting bn his hams,
S 2 as