
, C H A P. LIX.
fb e Jfrcbbijhop o f jfyhfiiu refored-T-We leave Corinth.*-* Embark
Q f Jintifiyrar.T.*Trhtjite,
W E were informed at Corinth, that fcon after our departure
fronv Athens the Atchbithop had arrived there from Conftaatb-
rtople and been re-riaft^ted in his See- by officers commiffioned
for that pucpofe ; that theJBeyor Vaiwode hadreceiv-edi hkn
kindly, and gcdered- kismuflcian^ to attend him- at his palace ;
aiod'that a tjoihpkfe revolution l|adi happened in» his- favour.
Lombardi' was'greatly diftr-efled; and embarrafled, :his intrigues
defeated, disappointed in his. views ! bfi revenge, unineladed'dn
the general! amnbfly, fearing to return and nut knowing whither
to fly. ;
■ Wh hired a. bark belonging to the iftand 4f >Zante. i■ •:,Fiip*
f^ter&affiffeduai. tranfporting the marbles and ;uua? baggteeiaero^
the Ifthmus on horfes-aod- mules, Gur* weather-boaton- captain
fetisfiedi Wetook l^ne oPudr-lmffiand^efl lLoHft-
bardi, wbofe fervtees-we requited'vwffi a bandfdme gratuitydit
money, befides variUus; ^refefttsi<isfem& o f which* fee* requefled.
VP4. defceaded■ teethe fea, the plain on each fide5 o f the
:cpvere.d vsuth caper-bufliesin flpwer-. 0n the ihore were feveral
iot^ahd: ffiedstor ware-houfes and near it were barks and fmall
veifels tying at anchor.
noiW u tt.’g&'em11felhaca waited at Epi-yatbay? tfap Corfiote, to
whom We had'given a paflage from Athens, Seized- an eppoD-
tunity, which offered, to procedd to Corinth, where he- re-joined
us. We expefted to find him again at the fea-fide, but he was
gdadcfey land to Patrae, and we faw hi m - no- afore. h;'Oo embark*
ingi’ We werefaluted - with a difcharge of pop-guns or chambres.
2 4S
Our Janizary and one o f our Greeks left Us with many
friendly wiflres o f prosperity aftd a happy Voyage,' iriteriding' to
return to Athens. In the evening we M ed , Wit had little Wmd,
and the following; day after nodïi wé put into a in Phötfs,
on the north fide o f the gulf.
T he Phoeéans foizing the temple of Apöliö at Delphi, a
war, called riléföcreê, commenced, 'and laded fen' years ;
Philip*j father 9 k Alexander-the- great,b msuigld? the g o & b f
deRrÜyhig many of ;the«itóesbo£ tbelpdlag^sadiAntie^j one
number, was. fitUatód inithis:hayflmot*far3&0n|iitbe»fuin®
cof Medeon, which, with'Ambryffos ^djStfris, f ib r e d thdfamé
puoi%nent..i. This, place' .ww'tfgftia-.itadtea. and. f&bvertpd ;bjr
AtaUisb atRomsto gsiperal iBJhe.waclwith thM,Ma«edonians. It
/rbcLkrfla p k ffc the chief -produce- M 1 the] j3©<?kyL mountains
-city, and of two kinds;; the b|.fck* which had. a
purgattvequalify; and’ the white, Which was an emetic. Sick
perfóns 'reforted to Anticyra to take, thé medicine, which was
*pidpared there- by! a. peculiar and^ery excelkut recipe.;! B f the
iLrtdn the fecund century waS a f em ^ ^fnNepton^motlarge,
built with feleaed- ftbnes; and the infide w h ite -w a fh ed th e
ffatii&boffhrafl. The a i^ ^ i f jn w ^ - p ö f a n w ^ adorned-with
dmagps o f the ©me metal} and above it,was a well with a fpring,
. ffielteredfrohi-the furi by a roof fupportedby columns. A little
higher wta&ia monument formed with fuch ftories as occurred,
-and- defigned* it was feid, for the fobs of Iphitus. One o f
thefe, Schédiusi was killed: by Heftor, while fighting for the*
body of Patroclus,' but his tidriéè-Wére tranfpórted to Anticyra;
where his brother died after jjgj$ return from Troy, About two-
fftadia ièr^d quarter of a mile difiant was ahigh «ock, a portion
ofi the mountain, on which-ftTèmpIë. o f Diana flood, the image
ihiggèr.thari alakge woman, and made by Praxiteles, s«
T he walls and other edifices- at Anticyta were: probably
erefted, like the temple ©f Neptune, with - Rories: or pebbles.