
82 T R A V E L ' S in G R E E C E .
G oing on from the Radium without croflmg the Iliflus, you
have a folitary church. on. the left .hand at a-diRaoee, and .before
•you a temple o f white marble feated on the rock by .the fide o f
the river. This has been transformed, as well as the Parthenon
and the temple o f Thefcus, into a church; named $t. Mary on
the rock. It was abandoned by the Greeks, asbefeprated, afh?r
the Romifh,mafe.had been cdiebrated in it; -in 1672, by-order
of the marquis de Nointell. On the wall next Hymettns are
lines o f .one or two fmaW fondials, and in the vaulted ropfisthe
trunk of a little female Ratue. Some traces remain o f figures
and of archite&ural ornaments painted in the in fiie y An exa®
view q^; thiSi tenfiple-is ^ivea in ‘The Ruins qf .Athens, tq which
valuable work tlfe -reader* is - here referred. The fabric has
fiiRained ,fome damage fince, the exterior'column next to the
Iliflus, in the front, being ruined, and the capital lying on the
rock, much maimed. Thé fubRruöion o f the oppofite end is
6> impaired, that it is likely a fartherdo wnfalt-wiil fooo enfiie ;
when the materials will be removed, as w a o t^ ^nd the fi^e in
a fpw years become hardly difiipguifeable.
T he Undents preferred particular fituationè fóV thé temples
ö f ceïtiariï A place, without the ét|yiffwKhb mén’feab
no qccafipn to approach", but at fet times, and ' t;o &crifice,-4 \y§p
commonly chofen fp r .C e c e s j f e e requiring, that it b e
kept pure by chaRe religion and fan&ity ó f mannqf^^’Th^'tem^
pie before defcribed has Rood on fuch a fpot, and, ft -is b ffie y e^
was' the farhdus Eleufinium belonging to Cefes and FfÓf$ffMie.
before which was a Ratue b F T n p ê l^ ü è /m e f i i^ ^ 'J y Paufa-
nfas, who thèn enters oh a detail o f hi,s Rory, biitf as hè
aflerts, was prevented from proceeding in it and in hfs ^éèÓÜnt
o f 'the temple b y a dream; and therefole fSfiesIon ib
which h e wats at liberty to ftreafwithout'referve. T h i s pM è
was* regarded by the people with the fame reverencer’is the
Parthenon and Theféum.
- T he which; belong^h,-fo, Pijofefpine wpte
fGbmnizedfyparlyfn the, .month AntbeReripn ^ F e b ru a ry ,
T-r a g f f p l $ m . r ^ e ’ E cr t :
rbgioh^^ilcd' IlilusV § They
whO' ^afpRed' to initiatfion Were forewarned to . come with
dean haiwbf and hearts, and a! knowlege of the Greek tdnghe ;
befidds an UtofuFfenfe ofthe* gfeat holinefs of thofe aiitient
things to whfeft'tfhey were about - to be introduced. The
ROfald- comihatrded all murderers, • magicians,- and ‘wicked hr
Sfepiot&A perfhhs to depart." The* afiemblywas purified b y 1 a
folemtiJ luRratioff* oh the myRic ‘banks - 6f the Jlifius. The
§efetndny was' kccompanied with prayer ^ andfeerifice, the
Pi<5Hm a -young' pig- When the rites had" been-fulfilled, they
4^dre adinittaA into the Eleufidinmf'^obabl^ in ^ i^ an ie& l Rbr
ft%-^ddfcribed - a s 'V fmaR buiidinff' -Affi^wdfds, they Wbre
ftilOd Myfee, 4nd- p & H expe£ted; tor obferVe- certain- injunc-
bf which5 oWei was' to abftain*,fi50ti»r'-«2.'idBg red mullet’,- a
aUKeUcy facred to Geres. -r ©iiby ear at leaR intervdhedy before
Ihey eoald attain"|to*'the» Greater| Mfyfieries, tda which thefe -were
pifepdfafis^.^^^efefecy ‘impenetrable, with 'night, vpildef-thO
whoil tranfe^isn. This! inliaiitAVlas in the popukropinaon
o f ‘ no trivial* eonfequence. Ther'negle<R o f it'ris- among^ thfe
Primes, imputed to Socrates... Greeks, Romans,. .an,d perfons
from- remoter- countries^ o f both fexes, were dpiprous to partake
‘^ i t , . A t h e n s , a t the.feafon was. croUded^with: jeyotees;
receiving yearly into the Eleufinium.morepeople, than,repaired
to. fames other cities. -
Be yoN'P the Eleufxnium, in Agras, was,*a temple ;of, Diana
Agraea.. She was represented bearing a bop,, and narned Agrp-
tera, the^huntrejk^ It was faid, flie had-hunted thfcm ohiher
arrival' from Delosi W^Hen1 the Medes landed at Vl-arathon, the
Athenians made a vow to her, to offer a goat fot .each pf .the
enemy whom they Ihouid kill,; but fee proved fo veiy.rpropibr
oms, tha.t afiifficient number iqf jvis®khs could upt bp. •prQcuf f£b
and they decreed to Ihctifice-yeariyr five- huu4r®l» as,,w.a|' the
cuRom in the time o f Xenophon. From this event fee was'
named ‘ Hfer iemple was* Urefted ^frdm the
fpoili, wbibh they dedicated,- aU^d ifl; i 6yfi was a chUTch called?
M z - ( Stdvrofis