
j i t i& È
and afterwards two neareachqther, , We then cro^d fo.o riygr
Pènêdis, a diallpw’Óréam In a wl||' and deep bed. -In. about
thrée "hours vfe*arrived'at Gaftouni, which is.alarge ï S S S
O ur c a p t a t ó *p s ° tyhg>
admitted us'into his garden, in which we paffed the .night.
We were detained, waiting for horfecs, until the Jollo wing even,,
irig, when in four fours' we reached Callivia, a (mall village
near PaheopolTs. By the way We fow large
traéts o f land overrun with tall thiftles and the licoricerihrub ;
Cóttön-gfoÜri8s' ah^J vmeyards 3mtVfpef fed. 'The .ganki^] pfo a
pèafaht wasoWloagmg.
T he city o f Elis owed its origin to an union(of fmall towns,
after the Peffianwar. It was pot encompafled immediately
with a wall j for it had thé. care o f the temple at Olympia, and
ife Jupiter. X ° invade or
not protect i t Was deemed impiety j and armies, if.m^oping
thtdu^; dÖivètèd^np' their weapons, which, on their quitting
it, wete ^throrèd. * Amid warring ftates/the city enjoyed, reppfe,
was reforted to by'ftrangéfs, and f&unfhed. ^The region round
about it was called Crete or Hollow, from ths inpqnttpfo.<j : The
ceuiftry Sva^ r é é k o n e^ fe r^ and particularly | t for the rafting
o f flax; This, which! grew'no# where elfe in Gfeecé*, equalled
thé pfböticb W Juéaea' in 'finenefij, hut was not fo yellow.
^ejre, for Olympian The Athtetic
exercifes wbre performed there, before the,moreftotemn trial, in
a Gf&nMurii, b y wftïcft tlie Peneus ran. The Ttelfonodksnr
Préjfeas o f thé games paired the rival cqmbatants by lot, in an
aréïcaÏÏed Plethrmm}ör Within foe wall grqw fofty
plinê^fcè^yalid in- the co u r t,'w f t ic h '^ s called the; Xyllns,-
were fëpitötê inarked’ A fotaflër
court was called the quadrangle." T h e PnëféCïsh When cftófen,,*
rèfidëd for ten months in a building ere&ed for thëir ufe^fof:be
inftruétëd in the duties o f their office. They attended'before
a ’ *fuh'~-
T R A V E L S ï U G R É E 6 É.
I ^ 5
fun-rife, to prefide at foe racis j and again at nppo, the time appointed^
for the PentathlumJ,or Five W H L The horfes were
trained in w fic îf was "called the
Hippodrome. In the^ Gyipnafium, were altars* ,.|n|i, a, poio-r
taph o f 1 Achilles. J The wfotfien, befides other rites, beat their
bofdms in honour of this hero, on a fixed day toward funfet.
There alio was the town-hall, in which extemporary harangues
Were- fpoken, and compofitions récited. It was hung.ropnd
«îith buc|dërsfor ornaments, A way leçfTrppi it to the baths
through the- Street ofr Silence -, and .another to the market-place*
Which Was planned with ftreets between portkoes/of the4Derfo
°;rder adorned with altars and images. Among the temples one
had a circular penftyle or colonnade, but foe,inlage had been
removed- and the roof was fallen, ip thq time ©£ .^au&niasc
The Theatre was antifot, anl was aTfo a (empfe ‘oftjacchtis»
on# of the déifies principally "adored at ’Pfis.,f‘'hdinerva:iiad a
temple ih the citadel, with an image ,of ivory aqp gold made, it
At the gate leading to .Olympia was -fop
monument pf a perfon, who was buried;,, as lan ’ Oracle. had
commanded, neither within nor wifoout the pity. °
T he ftruClures of Efts ïëem to have been railed with mate«
rials far leis élégant arid durable thanfoe^pçoi^e Ionian
and Attie quarries. The ruins are of brick, and not confident
ble, çopfifïing o f pieces bf ordinary waif, ahd a n ^ a a g o n ’
building with, niçhes, wfoch, i| is fuppafed, wa^ fe tém p le with
à -circular periftyle. Thefe/ftand detached .'’foom ^<fo other,
ranging in a vale fouthward from foe wide bed ç f the river
Peneus, Which, by the margin has feveral largo'foQnçs* perhaps
reliques of the Gymnafium.. f he citadel was on fa hill, whifo
has on the top fome remnants o f wall. Olympia was diftant
about three hundred ftadia or thirty feven miles' and a half. - [
C H A P .