
in g .... It was o f the Doric order, the cell fo large a§ to tcfaut
the company of a theatre. The columns on the pavement
within, , and their capitals, were raifed by^Coraebus. Metagenes
of Xypete added the architraves and the pillars above them,
which fuftained the roof. Another completed the edifice*
This was a temple in anth, or without exterior columns,
which would have occupied the room required for the vidtims.
The afpedt was .changed to Projiylos under Demetrius the Pha-
leréan j Philo a famous archited eredting a portico, which gave
dignity to the fabric and rendered the entrance more commodi-
pjjf. Thp fete^^s beneath the brow, at the eaft end, and
eppompaned by the f<^tre|s,£j!Sc^^marhles, which are uncommonly
mafiivq, and Tome pieces of. the columns remain on the
fpot. The breadth o f the cell is about one hundred apd fifty
fee t; the length, including the Pronaos and portico, is two
hundred and tjxteen, feet j tfee diameter of the columns, which
are fluted fix inches from the bottom of the fhafts, is fix feet
and more than fix inches. The temple was a Decaftyle or had
ten columns, in the front, which was to the eaft. The peri-
bolüSr or .inplofure, ■ which furroundsed it on the north-eafi and
on the fopth fipe, meafures three hundred and eighty fevei) feet
in length frpnr.qórt|i to ibuth, and three hundred twenty eight
feet in breadth from eaft to weft. On the weft fide it joined the
angles o f the weft end of die temple in a ftraight line. Between
the; weft wall of the inclofure and temple and the wall o f the
citadel was a p^agejcurty two feet fix^ inches wide, which fed
to the fnrnmit of a high rock at the north-weft angle of the
inclofure, on which are vifible thé traces o f a temple in antiis,
in length feventy four feet fix inches from north to fouth, and
in breadth from, the eaft to the wall of the citadel, to which it
joümefl.on the weft, fifty four feet. It was perhaps that facred
tp Tfjp!!$lpmJ?fti» .iTfejs fpot. commands a verynextenfive/vifew ©f
the plain and bay. About three fourths o f the cottages are
witfein, the precisufts @f the myftic temple, and the fquare tower
ftand^ pp.jtfeq juiped wall of the inclofure.
A t
A t a finall diftancë from the north end o f the inclofure is a
heap of marble confiding o f fragments o f the Doric and Ionic
orders, remains, it iHikely, of the'temples of Diana Propylea
and of Neptune, and' of the 'Propyléiim or gateway. Whejer
fömé’large ftfófids cafved with wheat-bars arid buhdle^ j^f
poppy. ' Ntóf dt is the huft o f a coloifal ftatue1 p f excellent
wörkmanfhip, to im éC urid thetacé diffigured1 j thé breadth f
the thoulders, as meafured by Pococke, five , feet .and a half;
and the M k e t on the head &bové fivo^eet/de^. Itjjropably
reWë&fttêd Prolbrpine: ïft' t fe fh e^ a fe '.W b V f ^ m fm b e d
pedeftalS; ;and on one
faw another fixed in the ftone f tp s , which lead up to the
fquare tower on the butfide. It belonged to the ftatue
of a lady, who Was hierophant pr jg k g g g of Proferpine and
had Covered the 'altarfm M
in the village'was perhaps 'that called ^allicjióruê,. whbrp. the
women of Eleufis were aécttftomeH’
ï l P H H p P R p W that if the Éfokefi fÉétiie fee lemov^, .the
fertility df the land will ceafei'- A ch ip é t^ aWa s Riljyjióflefled
with this fuperftition, and declined ^ ^ i t t i^ M .^ tQ . d|g or
meafure there, until! had: overcome his forfiples b^a p re g n fp f a
handfome fiiuff-box containing feveral^ecfeihs^ p|^bs o|-gold.,
A RÓAto led from Eleufis into fhe Mégafis. On it was a
■ Welt caltód FAefloWery, where Ceres1 was Did tO Have feftedi
and a little farther, a temple * ahd after'fliat,. ther tombs o f the
Argives, whofe. bodies were'.recovered front'' the Thebans by
Theféus j ' and ‘then a'monument, near which was a fpot called
in the time o f Paüfanias 'the Palaéftra ^Twrfl/ingfllace^ of
Géréyon. iWheler rode1 afeÓttT a mire under fHfe! itó ffi fidè o f
hill;Si'the way: covered with -afteifepnfes ë f feveiaï^col^^si
Wonderfully beautiful s and timing .tb' the! -leframved :at Mffe
flowery v e il, a fpfing in a'critivaied Vale, two’ off 'fhrêtë' m ies
in.compafs, which he füppofës the Rhariaft fiairit^Soèn'aff&he
'began to attend Kerata öï Gefafa. Two
Ihow like horns, and oft öfeé WM a t#rer. T h e way over the