
140 T'EDA^ R-ÉS mi j R* É E C É'.
»fffedfidn?' and ^ 6 a^ d : 'ih their behalf. He 'hid éfpëtifedii'a
youngAlbanianiii» thêcpreïénedlof the- Cadi5# Tutkiffibjudge*
and; iMïwi^öAabit^d-?>ssd$h^hdfj bu t» plurality of>'Vvi^es tanfecd
amoi^g. -the ieaft criminal of, hls >vtóêtós ^ofmitiej;Wi>
A qen e r a i , difquiet of tbd' peopleTikeidfe cOnStribatedito
render pqr fituation not agreeable. Some exactions of the arch-
biffiop, who was - e a g e r p a y the money börEOWèd*(fer fhe
purohaièjóf hi® ‘fee, -made shim unpopular, H&'hadoiiscurred
abb thadbjdeafure-oT the vaiwode, and an'opifi qliarret«ënffieü
©mhis applyingi'for leave to rebuild or>repair »church,* öfld ré**
monftrating that -the, fum . demanded was marea&fiaMé^ The
vaiwode lifted his pipe to .ftrilae him, and, iij their altercatibfii
ayerredhe wasneitHer deacon* prieft, o f biftiop. •? Ah explanation
was afked, whew he?replied with a proverb, p^Mdp0^'m'’yèSit-
9-n ^ ) The afs is ahtkgf an ’éjkl T h e ' différente was comprise
miiédj) hut feoivhroke ■ out^ag^n. The^Greek clergy joiadd th®
faiivodep tand the ambbiftiop was expelled Atheps.. p
T he fcaa©ity>of com inCre^fed as vsdnter'addrateedfcj -until 1 thé
diftrefs o f the people was fb great, that an infurreftion was
apprehended daily, and Achmet Aga, to appeafe the; clamour,
open.ed his granaries... Yet the vaiwode,: to raife money for the
purchaïè o f his poft for the enfuing year, fold a large portion of
the future grain by contrail to Mr. Keyrac*. a . French merchant,
who refided at Nauplia or Napoli in the Morea. The
baftia of ■ Segroppnt^i^puld have mtëfFëfëd,' ‘ feut thé Athéh^^s
claim immunity from his jurifdhftion. The ’officers, whpwi he
commrffioned to enquire* into the abufe, could fcarcely prêcure a
lodging, bn their arrival, and they food left thé Town. ’ Achmet
Aga refufed them admittance at his houfe, from a diflike; o f
their -errand; arid the Greeks pleaded a bah&t or charter exeiWpt-
ibg them from fueh burdens. Some Turks at another time had
required Ifoftme, who was epitropos or’cürkWf tè7 provide for
them &<onae or plaee of refrcfhment, but he would not comply j
and, eiv their threatening to piftol him or to cut off his head
I t R & % -E£ *S i -N O -,K E B C K 141
•with;their aft^ -extendedhis
■ neebtHdedaring, dhehprpjllgk Aon^notribenloft..by - want of
courage, »ihim* la wtefawit&i- V The ^ed&uffyibf the Athenians
frail-rated the parpofe.. of - the f>afla3, T btit r their, mmn»»Og‘ dad
wot ’.ceafe. * -The;-6pprelldn-:.and extortion-of the vaiwode were
coidplained-of as> unprecedented-».- • t
theipublie ffifeord^worfein^ in private
Mke uomole undet^found. His -zeal in perfeeuting
ffionrgave him influence w k h h is enemies awd with,theivaa.#ade»
H e sfearit*d>?»$*•**• mob -tq & c»tv R ^ a h h a A r i^ ^ ^ !^ 01^ ^
^irvfpfnom.. a,.eburch*ikv whieh^he «J^&adsWen<fflfe*nfekd'}
gadtji©r»fcdri.«l*iy? m e th o i whibh; the » s ft .dJabolkabioahee
oouldn .fkjggeft/v to qbiafike©.. his e{iata&e.r. He. laboured ailo; to
aG&omali^the,rmndEi£-'b>Aers ptj^onif .at^whbrmihe hadriiteken
offence« i'««e M M i wasTa< wative.o%Corfu, .a pFSftittbner
in j pbyfisy po^ntenancedf ?by ,M^%jrR^raiC! 5,-. iiwhofe I aageht; m
Frenchman* urged the vaiwode to do Kim‘ TOtinjnryp£and atTaff
obtained a promife, which was ratified by bis* puttingTis'hand
on whe.daead'of . hisfon* add faying,t&* m^JjfoaeWiveÇ
H 4 p. ViXXX; ' ;1
' Àiyçgp^.xeçt. ~~~ ift. th$x ffightnrr>.
g u rk iji rigourr— A well— th e Jlw Ji'of 4 mine— D in n e^ --
manajlery o f St* Curiam,
,W H I L. É, :wç refided at tho French convent, we were iwiT
formed ;of certain .fubterraneop« wonders faid. to exift in the
howds of (mount Hymettus. v The report, of an eye-witnefs,
though ,>of> a nati^emotTo hoOh^^^rpdited, Teemed to merit
fpme attention. 6 ;ur fervants pEoyided ropes, wax-t.apers, and