
the eenfuh Tbes inhabitants are chiefly Greeks, bot wéar the
Italian- drefe, and are much lanmized-in their religious tenets and
ceremonies. Theyare dijvidtediby; nsteti&stb feuds, and- are exceedingly
addiótedto Beverige, perpetrating* aflaffinationseven' ia
theijf churehesv. -!,Thei*Morëai ffeirtses them as. it were forafeaeu
tuary, and abounds in;fügiiives for murder and mifdemeanours.
. .The city of Zante extends along the fliore, and is adorned
with feveral handfome ftruftjures. - The Roman - Catholics .have
their churches, nunfreriès, and convents, with various orders of
ftiarsi‘ and the Greeks, whom’we had feen humble and deprefled,
here,, rivalled the fpkndffi pomp, of their wojühip. Hi^h above
the. tpwnjs aJfeep sound hill, crowned with acadlet; the an tien t
ebad^oeahed Tfbphis; ,.Tbo g^vernort new. lives W r—*, hut
thefummit.js. inhabited, and^fonje religious houfesi.fta«4 q® iti
T h e ' reflexion urf •'the jfiinsrenders the town extremblphofcht
fuinmer,, hut the. inflamed air is then’ ufually tempered in the
dayptime.by the fesrhseezet : The harbour ia open.to>the?noa|hi#
ea^H. One^fide is formed by a. Lofty. promoutOEyj iomwhich is
thoichurch and mkacufous; picture of. the gloxiaitt. MvtAnnm da
Scoppo, frrari: whofe--power apd efficacious^ iat^ceiflerfinsahy
fignal. benefits, :as they affirm, have been, derived onthe,, people.
At the oppoffie extremity, hy the feavfide, is=aicqgiousi fountain
o£*.^seellent: witer,.^fBpipofed tp. come, from, the Moreay the
iteeam>ihianging^leave» o f trees arid -giants not *growin^in*the
iflapffi The maidens are carefully conceded as in Turkey.
.1 fajv a • woman ip. a- houfe, with the door open, bewailing her
Iktle fon, whole, deiad body.lay by: her, dreffeffi the hair powdered,
the face.painted and bedecked with leaf gold.
adfFïtÉ Corinth-gcapeji for which the ifland is now.noted,-was
theprodbee chiefly of the country near the Ifthmus, when it
began to, beJ -particularly1 efteemed. i We were prefented - with
biihchesinew^i^penedi while in,the Lazaretto, and afterwards
cat-xiÊ them daily with much pleafure. I t is a final! fpecies, the
drifters large,, the colour- black or a, deep purple, i T h e ftockif,
as ufual,.-are planted' in rows-, and the leaf is bigger than in the
common* vine.,. As SMgopdî feafen for rise barveft is of gréât
coa&queaoe to-the people; they gfâaeÿally;it»ploie the intereefo
ffianrof; their Mn«s»j feiemtdy vifiting their churches# the prieffe
and magiftr atesi and .periods sofi dank; Mth Kalians-ind Cheeks;:
walking in pr®ceffion,eiw pairs, with lighted tapers- in their
hands, 0 thefe difappomt- them,- and the emergency require ir,
the glorious and mipatuibus picture o f the Madonna di Sebppo
is<e^)Ofed, ®id-fla^s not to influence the* weather to their whhcsv
T»E* grapes rstendedr to be prefervedas- eurraïitsî are’ ^read;
Whew gathered* in beds, an the ground. Wheik dried' by the
fun and air, they are tranfperted to the city ow hories and mules
guardedhy armed peafents j and* poured down a hole into .magazines,
in which they* cake together. When-The price is fixed
and? the îdutks are paid, die fruit is dug out with iron-crows^,
and femped-iiit» éâflàs, by men with legs and feet ftoë. fs hr die
IhipS iifc fweats, andi as we experienced* Joften-. fillstftftfen VeffdO
with« a ftenoh, fcameiy Oslemble. The Kngfife, whot- hake two
m tfereebatochanti^efid^t therfe, are the principal c o i r ib m ;
Thei ? Ehitite -partakey. and ? fupply- the other drortherri nations;
The*iflanders believe it is- purcbâfedntmbe ufedia dyiBgjf and itt
genettali asre- ignorant o f the many ffiffies m which currant âfe
anringredients Our cook made a pudding, which- wafe equally
a* fubjefl: of - wonder and applaufe in the family : where
IwedüT i
THEi. tar-Iprings o f Zante are a natural curioity deferving,
notice. *« I- myfelfy 'fays the venerable hiftorian- and; traveller
Herodotus, have feen tar brought dp out o f a lake and water
♦ ?Vrn; Zaeynthns. iï And indeed the'?Kkes are feveral) butTthe:
** biggeft-iisi'ifcŸènty) fe.e.t .wide every 'way, -and twelve’ ^eepe.-
“ Into, this they, let ddWn ii;pol© with z, myrtle-baûgh tied to-
*« it, and then bring up tar Pm,the myrtle-bough; imfmettdike.
*• ftp Afphaltus, inf other‘•Fefpe^Sifeperipf, to thectacr of. Pieria-
** Theythèn peurit doyra in to a-pit dugnear the lake; and, when-
“ enough