
P a f s a n i a s , on his arrival in the city from the Piraeus, notes
firft an edifice called the Pompeium, and a temple of Ceres near
it.; and then the ftoas' or porticoes, adorned with brafs ftatues,
extending from the gâte, which was Dipylon, into the Ceramicus.
He begins with the ftoa named the Mercuries, which had
temples of the gods; the gymnafium of Mercury ; the houfe of
Polytion, then facred to Bacchus ; and after it, a building with
ftatues. This brings him into the Ceramicus. He then
returns to the ftoa on the right, which had ftatues and1 was
called the Royali becaufé there was the tribunal of the archon
ftiled the King. The afeent of the Areopagus being long and
wearifömé to old men, the venerable fenate fometimes ’mët in
this portico. There flood Jupiter ElèutheriuS, o tik é Deliverer ;
and tHe emperor Hadrian. The ftoa of jupiter was behind.
This hë ftelcribes next ;' with the templfe Of ApOllb Pa'tfpùs,
which was fie® j the Metróufii Of1' fempl^ d P ^ y b d e^ th e
Senate-houfe of the Eive-hundred ; the Tholus'j and higher up,
a range of ftatues, among which were thd^teff heroes ftiled the
Eponymi ; *1ftid": Aïtalus, Ptolemy, and Hadriitffi frdmf Whom
likewife tribes were named ; and' affër ‘ thefe', 'befideS ' OftierS,
Lycurgus, and Demofthenes. Near this ftatue was a temple o f
Mars, probably at the Areopagus ; and théh, not fair off, the! ftatues
of Hariinódïus and Ariftogiton ; then the ftatués befórê the
ëntrance ó fth e 'Odeum ; then the Odéum i the fountain Efinëa-
crunus ; thë^Efeufinium, beyond it^; ^ d %nörë ^réöiëfë, the
temple of Diana Eüclèâ iff Agïæ. Thë^ëdtfeöf returh^’Tntd the
city, and bégifis again, ab’ove; the? Ceramicus and royal Portico,
with the Hephæftéum or temple of Vulcan and Minerva, by
which Was a* tëmfile of Venus- Urania ; then, 'going toward
the portico called Ppècile,' waè thé HèrméS Agoræûs- of MérçUry
of* the Agora; and^ffè® it, a § a të v off1 which-,wasi% trbphy
*. By the gate near the Mercury!of the-Agoraj wine Was .fold JStt< Lett, p* 1884.
That perhaps is the gate mentioned by Plutarch. '!??.%#'*»<«« V 4*»< 5# •»** j9v«w<
■sr^a larf ■Ix'7TztJbr iruAa/r. in Hjperide. “ppP#lotf Is KlgtfUttxH
K/vtff»'lai'lwjfrm. Pbilojirat, p. 57-7.
for a viftory obtained by the Athenian cavalry from a general of
Caffander. / In the Agora was an altar of. Pity:. This abftraa
comprizes a portion of the old city by Dipylon, f t d fegtop m
the 1 front of the Acropofis and the plain ;on; th p ft fe nejt
Hymettus, or, the Ceramicus mthin the, city, of whiph .tje
Agora, was part ;, and extend»
Ilifths, *: J
, T he pbmpeium- was a b uildin g in .which.#11, tf^ .necglpirie?
for thgifoiim^fefti^ls vyere prepared, and t^e yef^ls c^f gold and
filvCr Wftfe kfpt* to be deliyered to fhfp, bearers the
Panathdnrean, and other grand rprocefliompT The mention of
?this'plaeel of Polytion, and of the Mercuries, v^ill remind the
clafii§al®ai|>®,f iOf ;ma| e
of^th$cppftcfa!tefi ifrafra his table, a n d '^ f^ f^ l^ a li^ fe^ /
ho jiipifatedithe myfteries of^jEJoufis in the
bearing),ja ftofe apd perfonating,thehiemphag,.^r gjiiff prieftj
and in the -night he defaced all the Mercuries,. %cggt one. In
.the'Tholus,. which was a round building, fometirpes called Scps,
were ffl#ftf itngges of filver, apd the^e, t f e
P iy tan^ ^ ^ h c ed and feafted.
T h e portico o f Jupiter Eleutherius and' the Koyal were np^r
to' ew b ,® th e r^ ^ T h e .'^ e ,9 f J n p i%
m r th e^ e fe * o f the Medes,; The in £ j :i j# ? n ^ e himjjkgr
-Wlfe Jhe title of .Saviour. Hadrian, who W»s rankgd.witf hirn,
had been, as Paufanias .adds, a great benefa^or toj<^llerj^ati|s
of - the empire, but above all to Athens, j A pedeftal ,pow remain?,
as-we fuppofed, in its place, at fome diftance frorff the
temple of ^hsfeus, in the way to the Piraeus, alm^ft buried in
earth;.: After .digging about it, we difcQvered the .infcription,
"“ T o the,; $avdour and founder the emperor H,adrian Q M ffi
“ plus.” - * #
T he ftatues of Harmodius and Ariftogiton were of brais,
and verV a'rttient. They had been carried away into Perfia by
jg 2 ' ' ' • Xeixes,