
z U T R A V E L S vin G R E E C E .
Set out fo r Olympia-—- Arrangementof the coafi— A t d monaftery
-w-Tii night— A tre&frog A t Pyrgo ‘•‘--Pitch 'our teM by 'a
W E had been vifited in the garden at Gaftouni by a Turklfh
Aga called MA&h o t The^VirtuoJh a peffoir of fofofe
fcnowlegei uneomiaoMyipditei amidcf a graceful deportment, l ie
informed us, that he bad- leera ruins by Miraea^mftir the Rophia
a very largedriver. T h e lite and diftance agrideingi‘wtflf<W^^|g
it was hoped, that fpot would prove more important thanPaTte-
opolft.. We^deft OaHivia in the evening; and paffing ;by;fdMi
Arrows, which probably were hot for from'vthb'|^fihe&i Glyffi-
pia, and afterwards by onein the plain, travelled with ©iftoiifti
behind untoward the fe*i •
T he arrangement of the coaft to the fputh of Cyjlene was
asn follows. After s the month o f themitea
fkmi:©^lk»e j near whibh was' a mountalffoi&poihFCaflbd
Hormina or H^miha?- N&xtJ,Was Point PHeia, with
fidetaMtHriveri®fe?tlie^?me name been? it * atM£bbffefe‘ii hifill&f'J
andfa^pontjjdiik!®© 6obh«44dte#and twenty
from Olympii*»*go$8g-,'tlf# mbaveft 1 way* fforn th l fi§i: ‘
aim weft#aM.s' TKii
WMione -htedred fed'twehty R^af'rbm'th^'ited^e^h^tfdifi^
which:was,eighty ;ftadia-or- teit'milbS'frbhi (Sfllfenb; A^6r rdtli|s
wasi the mouth, ofotbfedriver Alplfeu%‘,' dlffith'tHVb*hhnary^liid'
*SgM? thirty “miles; ffofo Chelo^tasi? With a temple
ng^4 t4 hd;^^1bve*tb#J©ia«ai % l^ ^ ^ a lia " o f foil fodfesTfdili'
G^mptiTaoTWe swhofe3re^®a§ abikuidcd 'dn^pkde^’faered'- to
Vehi^-apd 'tcr©iiifi& -^eM14vatet0d;' ^irf^Svdf dP'tfhe
T R A V E L S i n G R E E GE. 287
Nymphs. By the roads we re-frequent ftatues of Mercury j and
on the capes*, o f Neptune. The ifjarrds called Strophades were
thirty fivcimile^ifrom Zaöté.
W b Game' to the feb-fidfe bbloW Ghelendtas?• ahd traveiled
f©uthwar<& te a monaftety o f the -Pariagra Scaphidia*' or Virgin1 r f
th&Sèiffif,. Atuated on >aal. eminence-riot far from Point Pheia,
op the north j the beach f&ihfeéUté, thatitis-cdftomary to ’
load the";b®atisi cw fll®r»e> and'then ptïfh fhéfti ifftb- the water.
Near it is a lake fodf hy ? aAima34 lireamj probably the ftagttant
water mentioned by Paofanias^meaforing about three ftadia, on
the road, from ‘ Olympia to Elis, by the plain. The fupper-beli
rung, ase we > approached: We-rode-into the court, amffaw.the
pad efts arid ^prik& feared at thei-r :mfpeifii'M‘tablb^?ï?rimi^ómpa-
ni.es on;the ground. ; We -difmountedwondering that nobody
for red, or took any' notice o f us. We weretin-formed after-
wtardr#Phat they had-mtftéken »us for -Freriehmen;, arid that their
ufuabcourtdy hadhOen witheMfrem n^ionalfpmjn^|eei. r The
fociety was. in a flourifhirig ftate, and had partly; completed
their defign -of rebuilding the monaftery.
W e were. conducted to s- goad .» apartment, in which we
fupped. % Afterwards' f q r i ï e deeping in the court,
hppmg.to find-the air cooler, andVtofbe-lef§ piPlffted) by; Vlrmipj,
but innumeF^hfo griats> which arifo-foom th^?;lafee^! diRprbcdcf f
v^hl Jibeif 390ftl8ny,al bppzllg» and p^fyednfh ^fiekceedfoglyi
The. pQpJtpyK,whichroo$ed fqlqff j b y d‘t& 0 mulberryiTtref,f,g|
dawn < o f dfiy» fluttered dj%wn from the branches longcfocq^ft
fion§ and, a$?pp^'hq3£t’ Rage-we difcovered that myriads of large
fleashad -taken pqfteftlon;-oh the fold^ of our garments.;
IT ^ , the morning we made our early repaft, as üfual, on fruit,
bread -and cpftee. We were ready to depart, when.:©np.o£»my
companions found;a tree-frog in the garden. The back lfo ex^
a^bly-: refembled in »'colour / the. green. leaf of a lemon-tree> on
which it was fitting,» that the reptile was not èafily to be dif-f