c O N T E N T %
C H A P . V.
We arrive in, the Pireeusi— O f the p o r tlif Athens— Phalerutn
and Mtmychm — Remark on Phalermn^-Piraxis— The towHx
^ faqg l^alls —d&iher ffitificaWms — * tte r jm e undtr
the Romans J fc tip f Pbakrum and Munychia — O f J &
the Piraeus -^Tficriptions.
C . H A P. VI.
We Cet out for Athens — Two rekds -defbr&ed t>yPa*fanias— The
barrow of Euripides— The public cifierns— M. ..
— ^ write tit the Ptench rmtoM— Rmption n t Athens. >z%
c f t a P , t o .
'The cttTof C^ecrOps-—-— Athens burned bfWfPbfians, &c.—
finder the Macedonians----- Receives* Rommgdrnfon-------
■ Defaced h » ---- |£ N * M f e ' l f S
Governed -by a pte-eonfii— -K in d * $ i f Hadrian The :
city-wall tefim d------m d taken— Pavouredby
SaaieAhl X * F ----4
mafieri af iT hk* r -"-“rfhoknowu *nK
> $ e vtalls. <I Tjft ,4 v4p vrv 's ^ yw # ?
€r H A f t V iB .
Of ® J j | M e n s - ^ e M 0 u ties------The c itM ------jj|g ,
6^nitSbndpreJenffiale. . ^s, p
C H A P. IX.
O f buildings Entrmce -of A tfm p d h
-M $ S ? f m y i f &e ttrtfhi/m^— ^ -T h eten f e
of fiftT in g .
Mg__ prefent fiate o f the propylia*— —Oflme HeMplc^
Ignorance o f the Turks and Greeks—-—- O f the left wing
The propylea when ruined------Infcription on a pedejtal. ■ %{ P . \
C O N T E N T S.
C I I v A P. X.
O f thepatthenon — ... ■ O f the fla t tie o f Minerva— r— O f Phidias
— ^TBe fiatue rèmcnniÈg' 'àfler JufiaH • When fétnoved
:— •'■ •’The temple whèn' ftdned----- IJD^fcHbed ‘ ïnt T6 f ê —-——
Prefent fiate----- - The pediments-—— Other fcidpfures— —
- Copied by Mr,. Pars. ,y s ^
C H A P. XI.
O ft he PreBMum— — TempteofHeptane— —Temple o f Minerva
PoUas----- -Story o f Pandrops—----P rien t fiate o ff be temples
o f ffep tm e and Minerva-----.O f fhe Pandrofeuw-— dk
Btfiwefpff the virgins, called Canephori—— -Images i f Minerva
----—The p rea^ f^—fltfcn^ iam . ûïv->■ 5| p o
e H A P. XIL
fron t ' öf^he 'hiH o f We acropolis— — The cave- o f Apollo and
péBfiçiàsrl and long
T h e fond o f gladiators mtL— A '’fr'étio èrkl'Aïaràgtè^
memmnt — The Odéum o f Pericles and Attiçu$ Hér opes : ç8
ç " H A P. S p J
O f thé areopagus— The tribunal whèn extinSl— Tbe pnyüt
------Account o f pnyx. ,rjVyv56
(Story of Tèejèits— A temple erefted to h i m Th decorations
---- -Prefent fiate o f the temple------The fculptures — _
Gymnajium o f Ptolemy. - ^ f f f 6g