
28. T R A V E L-8 in G R É E G E.
employed l p the fiimgpjitnf the; rock, and to éncompafs it
with a wall, which they;ç<^plet£dk e&Oept on the;|önth, where
the deficiency was fupplied by trunks of olive-trees and pali-
fades. • The entrance- was by nine rgàtès. Afterwards Cimon,
preyed, the wall on thé fouth fide with thé'
fppils he had taken in the Perfian war.
T h e tyranny of Pifi^ratus was eftablifhed by liis getting
poffeffion of the Acropolis or citadel, from which he could
command and overawe the town below. His fon Hippias Was
expelled, and' then followed the invafion by Darius, and the
b ^ le of JSdæçathpn. Thirtythree yesfs after this, Jtabsyg&mfos,
taken, ahd fet on fire by Xerxes ; and in the next year, by his
générai Mardonius f but, on the viétorie&ofi'Platæa and Salamis,
it emerged from ruin to fupériöfluftre and*extended dominion-.
The Peloponnefian war then enfued ; the long walls were demo-
limed y aud it was even prppp^drto raze thpjÿty and lay wafte»
the plain. |
T h e . victory obtained over the Thebans, at JVlantinea. left
Athens at’leifure to* indulge in elegant, diffipatjop. A poet was:
preferred.to a general, and vaft firms were;expended oni plays ands
jaublic fpedtaclesi , A t this period Philip ó f - Macedonia, was
af^iring:to the empire ofGreece, and Afia. Alexander, his. fon,.
facrificed an hecatomb to Minerva at Athens,, and fortified the
Piræus tô keep the city in fubjedtiop. On his death the. Athenians
.revolted, but. were defeated by Antipater, who. garrifoped
Munychia. They rebelled again; but the-garrifon and'Oligarchy
werfi re-inftated. Demetrius1 the Phaterean, who iyas . made
governor, beautified the. city, and they ereéted tó him three
hundred and fixty fiatues, whidh, on his expulfion, they
demolished ; except one in the Acropolis., Demetrius Polior-
cetes withdrew' the garrifon and reftored the democracy, when
* This pemetrius was author of the antient and famous Cfafonicon infcribed
oiffflöFhle àt Paros;4 and now fireferyed, but not entire; at Oxford, See Daniel a
l x x , p, 480. i t
T R A V rE 'L S i n G R E EfC*Ei 29
theyi deified him, and lodged fhktrin the Opifihodomos or the
back part* o f the Parthenon, as a gueft- to bè entertained: by, their
Minerva. Afterwards they decreed, that the Piraeus, with
Munychia, fhould-be at his difpbfal"; and he’ toolbtheINdufeum.
They expelled* his -garfiifoflfc and?%d rwas |>effuaded by Gfatéhis a.
philofopher, to leave them free. - ‘Antigonus Gonatas, the next
king, maintained a garrifon ift> Athens; but on- the death of
h|§jfoif Demetrins, thé people, with the1 affiftance of Aratus,
regained their liberty ; and the Piraeus, Munychia, Salamis, and-
Sunium,. on paying, a fum of money-
P h i l i é, fon oFDemetrius, encamping hear the city, dé-
ftrpyifig and burning the' fepulchres and temple^'In thé yillagés,
and laying their territory wafie, the Athenians were reduced’to
follicit protection. from the Romans, arid to receive a gaWifon,
which remained until thé war with Mt&rid$é^';liSngfWPóii^,.’
when thé tyrirnï Arimon made them revolte ’ E
Archelaus, the Athenian general, unable to withftand the
Roman' für|‘f' 'relipqüithed the long and rèfrpatéd id to the
Pira;us“and'Muriyéhia.' Sylla laid fiege' to"‘the Piraeus1, arid to
the city, in which Ariftion commahded. He wasinformed,
that forne pexfóns had'béen overheard taUiing irr the Öerkrmcus
and blaming Ariftion for his negledt of the avenues about the'
Heptachalcós, where the wall was acce'ffible.' Sylla'relolvecl to
fiorni there, and about midnight ènt.ered the town at the gaée
calléd Dipylórr or thé Piraean ;* having levelled q ll^ r fg cW ip
the way between it and the gate of the Piraeus- ' Arirfumfled'
to the Acropolis, but Was1 compelled to fiirrender by the want
o f water, when, he was d'ragged from the temple, o f Minerva,
and put to death. Sylla burned the Piraeus and Monychia.,
and defaced the city and fuburbs, not fparing even t h e . fe-
pulchres. ' .
I n the civil war, the Athenians took the fide o f Pompey-
Caefar generoufly refufed to punifh the city, which afterwardscarefled