
W e had now feS^rOom and a' prolpefous gale. The genius o f
the ©reek nation pre vailody and was dilplayed in the feftlvity
©four ©tie* of the crew played on the violin arid on
the dy^e^'the latter, an • ord i nary in ft rumen t with' three iMnge,
differing ^frdrii the kitara, which has two and a muds* badger
handle1. -The iap'tairiy though1 abulky man, excelled, with !tW©:
oF his boys, in dancirtg. We had been frequently5 amufed' by
thefe adepts. It mattered not whether the vpflel Was Hill in
port, or rolling, as now, on the waves. They exerted a'n-extra-
ordinary degree of activity, and preferved their footing,: for-
which a very fmall fpace on the deck fufficed, with wonderful
deiterity. Their common dancey which wasiperfornaedobyv one
couple; corififted chiefly in advancing and retiring, -expanding
the arms', flapping the fingers, and changing places ;• with
feats, fome ludicrousj" and to our ripprehenfion indecenti- J •’
T he fan fat very beautifully', illuminating the mountain-
tops,- and was fucceedcd b y a bright moon in a biue iky. « We
k^pleafarif hrdeze^ and the land in view,1 failingSns i t were
cfof a wide river. A fmart gale following a ihort calm,' arid
dtiviri^'ris ilOh^at*' W gfeat rate,' in the morning »by fan-rffe WO
had reached ./Egina, and were entering .a bay*; the mountain
F^thOlldhxri^'icbvered with free^ doping before us, and a temple
Olfat§ ‘fatnnait, near an hour diftant frOria the -IhorCy appearing
aS in 1» W©dd.3riThe Water being fhaHowy adSilo^diiiped overboard,
earryfeg* a rope1 to be falWedy asmfual>;iM© “foihe ftono
orcfa^ftfy the fea^fide. 1
; WE’fef out for the temple, w h ichWas^dedieated^t© Jupiter
Flenhd.leniU¥^Oh£fo o t ,‘with d 1 fervarit- and fame of-'tlfe'OrbW
bearihg' onr! utnbrellas and other nedeflariesv One of the failors
had Ofi.a pair Of fandah made of goat-'lkin, the hairy fide Outward.
The afcent was fteepj rough,J and ftony, between -bulhes
o f maftic, young cedars,, and fir-trees, which fcented the air
very agreeably. 1 Some frails were quite bare. On the emi-
nence our toil was rewarded by an extenfive view of the Attic
and Felqporiri'efian,;c©|fif>, ;:the: rpmpter . mountains inland,- .and
the fynamhs: in the.Agpan Sea-; t)i£ brighofuEfacey which mterv:
vened, bi^irig; ilfilddli i§ df; SijafjNwith illhnito manydyiflg sound,
1icthWcostingtrj{tapd/pM*, cabed aplieqtjyjBeibip
ftrptehiog opf towardthe mputhof .th&gpif. Wcrfaw
tho^esopolfsafifi Ath^lSi.! featedi on a hill peAtithe. m|sjdT|sjjp£ta
plAin,^ariAbMOtrip%ffed with mountains,^ except tpwatd>,fihe fta<js.
a portion ©f -.its; territory,? < covered with duljqy oliye-groves,
loi^isg^blMfef^ i^sridof ?.% fe closji ,lf m
h T h e name Panhellenius was probably given to this moun-
tain fpOm - the temple^ fp f\ which only ri twas noted.; That- fa-
fa^cbrtafhthe .Aigmgtaisa .g|%med, ?$ps. ere#ed by dEacus, tl$ugtiy
»Owned &riPf|h>f :of the illufiricps family* of., thlq J # ci<§lfhB, B p
was rep^tfd-thg/^iQf^gina thg dAUghter^jof^hfppuA-hy J»pi-
ter, who tranfported her into this ifiand, then uninhabited and
eall§df^>oiiq»e. To pm.it the; fabulous acopupt ofg|t% population
inJjis, time JlellaA was terribly oppreffed.by,drought i the
gpd?r%iwsgs».?ifher pn the, country without the. ifthmus^rnprjpa
the Pelpppnnefqs.. The, Delphjp oracle was cp^dhltedi.. The
Fytlya replied, j that Jupiter mull be^rendered prppitioua4 by
Abacus,. , The cities intreated him to be their mediator. He
lacrifiped and prayed to Jupiter Paphelleniua,. and procured rain.
Paufanias relates, that he faw the-ftatues o f thq. perfonS; deputed
to a^ n d him^pn that emergency, ,at % rentrappe gffilhe
laceups» a quadrangular waif o f ;white,itone, . by, tfie fpily,
inclofing fome antient olive-trees and a,lpw. altar^ and allp,
that the other Greeks then concurred in affigning that realon
for,the embaifysf r, Q% aTpmnait pfsMpuot Scirpp. ip Aftipa^was
artemplefofrjupjter, fernamedAphefips, frepabif,remitting their
calamity;; Arid A ftat»e p|v the Earth 1 in a fuppliiapt ppftpre,;r^t
queftipg Jupiter to fend.her .raip, which \ya§ in tfie acropolis, at
Athens, referred, it is mpftjikely, to the fame llory.
1 /‘ r f aufa^ f r P-Jj/i n 414.
- ? - P C a T h e