T he botanical traveile* may be amufed with fearching fori a
flower, which, as the Salaminians related, was firft obferved ón
thé death of Ajax.f“1 t 4s^ktfcribfcd as white, incïiriïhg to red,
thé leaves lefs than in a lily and bearing the letters which are
on the hyacinth.
C H A > . XLVII.
An antknt oracle — Pbe battle o f Saltynis — Flight o f the Pdr-
fa n fe e t \
H E R G D fO T U $ has recorded an antient oracle, which
was to be fulfilled, when flaps (hoipld fo*m a bridge- between
the fea-waflied. Cynofura and the flyered fhore of Diana, ;or
acrofs th§ ©outh o f the bay of Sakmis. This term was Relieved,
to have been aecomplilbed in the. firft yeajN^f the feveq.ty
fifth Olympiad1, when that portion of the ftrait' became the
fcene.of the famous battle, which delivered Greece from the
incurficms. o f the Medes,
XERXES/\after reducing the citadel o f Athens, repaired, I to
Phalerum, where his fleet lay. It was agreed in council to
attack the Grecian, fleet, which had aflembled in the bay of
; Salamis. The fliiptk, approached the ijland. A report tha^^he
Greeks intended to fly toward the Ifthmius, was credited, and
the Medes determined to prevent their efcape. At midnight the
leading Xquadron moved fllently ,on, circling in toward Salamis j
and the (hips about Ceos, probably-the iflet next to the Piraeus,
‘ aner ahout Cynofura Jakewife advancing, the whole .ftrMfcJtyas
^occupied, quite from Munychia. A body Qf Per flans was
", * In the year before Chrift, 478./