were told was duft from winnowed corn j the peafimts throwing
up the grain and chaff together, to be feparated and deanfed by
the wind.' We could procure! no animals to convey us to
Damala before the mo'rning, fo we lay down to deep among
the bullies. The air was filled with noifome vapours-from the
dirty ftagnant bay and-its putrefying weeds. Swarms of gnats
buzzed about, and preyed on us inceffantly. Frogs croaked.
Dog's barked, and the ffepherds dn the mountains hallooed to
encourage them to attack the wild beafts, which approached
their charge.
o p & the.eafly kings ,pf Troelen, founded a
of Diana by this Tea. The Water was . .there foT* Óiallow ‘apd,
muddy that it was calk'd the Phoebsèan lake. He was addicted
to t ï f e Chace, andfollowing a Doe, which iwam out into the
deep, was drowned. His body was thrown nftiore by the
grove, and buried within the inclofiire o f thé temple] and from
him the lake was named the Saronian, The fens at this feafbn
were dry, on much contracted by the power of the fun. -fn thé
morning we croffed over to that fliore, and riding through a .flat
mardiy tra<ff covered- with* tall ruffies arrived at Damala -in
about an .hour. We were* then informed, that the ruins, for
which \ye.enuuified, were a quarter of an hour father on j ana
we continued our journey.
T V w i ï was once, ignoble city. It had been . cajle<|-
Pofidenia from Neptune. They ^related, that this deity and
Minerva had Contended for their country, ^ d , , h y^ c p ^ ^ n d ^ ’
Jupiter, poifieffed it jointly *, the reafon, why their money was
ftamped with her head and a trident. Trce’zen arid Pittheus
Were fops of Pelops. . Pittheus gave to the city ffie natpe pfijijs
brother, ^hom he ffieceeded; but the people werecalled |rófik
him Pittheidae-. He was the maternal- grandfather of Thefeus.
The:place was fhown, where this hero was bornj with the
rock, f upder which Ageus deppfited his fword and flippers, on
the way to Hermione. In the agora or market-place was a
T R A V E L S i n G R E E C E. 2I5
temple of Diana, where, it was faid, Hercules came' up from
hell with Cerberusf Behind, was the monument of Pittheus i
and.not far off, a temple of the Mufes, with aii antient altar, on
Which the Troezenians facrificed to them “and tö^léepj affirming,
that of all the duties‘ this was-the mod friendly to the
Mufes. The temple of Apollo founded by Pittheus: exceeded m
age any temple known to Paufanias. The temple of Minerva
at Phocaea and that ,of Apollo Pythius at Samos were by far
more modern. The lloa èr ■ portier' ó f the market-place was
adorned with ftatues, reprefenting fome o f the Athenian matrons
and their children, who were fent to’this'city fof ffifety before
the battle of Salami«: Near the Theatre was a t e m p l e t
Diana ereCted by Hrppolytus. ‘This hero had a faefed portion
.with a temple and image, and was honoured with yearly facrl-
jfiées. T h e priefthood was fpx life, and it was the efiffom for
virgins before their nuptials to cut 4ff one of the treffes of their
hair, -and to carry i t as an-offering to the tfemplé.' 1 Within the
inClofure was- a temple of Apollo dedicated* by Dibmed on his
efeape from the ftorm
Agaiitft-the inclofure was part of the ftadium of Hippdlytüs1, Ss I
i r was called j and above, a tempk- o fW e n f i s ' '^ ^ ^ ^ ^ I
where'Phaedra beheld him at his eiercifes? 'A'myrtle, which
grew there, produced leaffes fill' of hdlfes, és they afferted, from
the tihae of her diftrsétion, when ffie peffói^t¥d'’the ffoliage
with the cfetfp o f -her? hair. ft Her tomb h v if nd’t ‘Tar ■ frbfft.
the barrow of Hippolytus, Which was «near* the myrtle,]
but not, acknowleged by thé' Trcezenians. They denied that
he, was?.dragged by horfes and killed ; fuppófing' him fo have
been- changed into the Coiiftelladon called* tbe'GhMorë&. ‘The
.temple ofNeptune was without the city-wall. T h e y fty lm ’him
Flant-falter, becaufe, in’ his anger*,‘he had permitted'the Tea-
water to penetrate to the foots and feCds-;' rendering 'the land
batfen.. :They?cblimod thé göff Órds ?as?‘a 'dative,
people,‘ were given to em-befiijfb their’ city with local ftofiéL
Its territory ‘fecluded thé pen infula röf'
montbfy Seylfeumr A road’ ' between ‘«the* ‘móunfaiilS 1'éd to
‘ uH¥fmioné*