
conful and Mr. Lee, who accompanied us to our boat; which
fowe'd tp ,the Frank %ale #r Key for. Europeans,.-We, were
hailed' by a Tufkifh opcer of the epftoms, and immediately
difmiffed. We reached our bark, and weighed anchor.
O u r veffel' carried two triangular fails, each on a very long
yard, thick at bottom, tapering upwards, like a bull-rufhy and
fattened to the top of the matt, fo as to be moveable every way,
like a lever on a pole, fuch as is ufed for drawing water out of
wells. In tacking, the big end, which, is always the lower,,
with the rigging, is ftiifted ewer to the oppofite fide. The fl|arp
end is. very oftfen'high id the‘air apeak.
I n the morning the Inbat met usj and we put for fheltef into
a fmall creek on the right hand, near' the mguth of the gulf.
The boys, climbing up the pafts with barg. feet and holding by
two ropes, beftrficte the yards and g|dbered_ .
furling it quite to, the qxt^eau^es.^ Venetian ^ p , whi^h h^||
faikd^om Smyrna fotde days before^ and W4S tyjfog at. anchoz
withinthe bay? afforded us an hiftaftce of ajl(^
cohfeqnentlylfedious^v^a^es,' for which t|ia^fl|^^ no^d and
ridiculed in the Levant.
B e t w e e n the mountains neaf fey the fea fide, w p a
fmaligreea. valley, in, whiSch were flattered a few* mean hoq$e(s.
There the vintage- was. now- begun; &he* black gnapes being
Ipuead on the. ground, in. beds, e»poftdP to ■ the fiiPi to dry- fbf
raifins j wbaite.ia another past-, the juice wasieXpreflhdifoi* wihei
a man, with feet and legs hare, j treadin g t}i® j^id^in* a kind* of
ftftpfxi, with a hofe oavent near the bottom, andva veffil bifteath,
i f ta receive the hqpori
W hen morning approached, the land-breeze re-commenced.
The.bcya mounted! the yards, aadi as they defeeflded1, untied the
knots o f thp feils very- expeditiouflyv Qur- captain kn&v every
iflaiyl, rock and cape ; tteering from- promontory' to. promontory.
One-of the failors, his brother,, fell overboard ; but fwimming
he Was; fopn taken up. We eanae between Lelbos and GKids*
patted by the north end o f the latter, and, as Neftof did on
hiS- return from Troy, ,toward Pfyra This little ifland was
feekpned lofty ftadia^ of five miles an circuit’ ; and fifty ftadia,
or fix miles and a quarter, from Melaena, a promontory of Chios.
I t , lay oppofite to the rugged trad: called- Arvifia,; once famous
fefi its ne<ttwr. T h e wind! was‘ rforfhefly£ and ftmhgj and it was
apprehended wotild: become contrarys being remarked to fefc
commonly into' the gulf of Theffalonica during the day, at this
feafon# and to go back agjairi, as it were;: toward- morning ; in
the fame fnapnef' as the Jnbfat and Mnd^hfeeze.'pfevail alternately
in the gnlf oR-Smyrna. We- eadebtunued! to get under t&e lee of
P4yfa» apd; fsec&e^iig;- we failed? by? a chapdr p f Stl Gemfge'
Handing ©n a head-land, when the eaptain and crew1 made their
. qrdffst»-. v«sy devoutly. The feme ceepmony was repe&ted-fooif
after at one of the Panagfe.or Virgin Mary. • W e then opened
the harbour- ©f the town, and were defirous to put in, but the
Wiflci wpuJd not-permit.
T k e day had been cloudy, and diftant.flaflies of pale lighti
n g in the. fputh, with fereaming voices-in the air, a®-was
iujmjfed, o f feme fea-hird flying tor land,, feemed.to portend a
guttering and difegreeable night. The captain, who w asikilled
in the previous figps of* foul weather, prepared his bark by
taking down the triangular main-fail, and hoifting a-latin ro
fquare one,, as paore manageable. The windincreafing and the
fea running very high, our veffel laboured exceedingly. It was
now total darknefs, no moon o P ftars, but the Iky expanding
on aU fides with livid flames, .difdofing the bright, waves I
vehemently affailing, and ©very moment apparently dwelling m
overwhelm/us;.- It.tHupdered’ alfo, and’Gained heavily.
B 2 T e e