Achrumlhes brevipes Fig. /.
‘Diatomas auribu/re Fig. 2.
Oetr/z*nw .
2842. (Pig. 1.)
ACHNANTHES brevipes.
Short-stemmed Achnanthes.
CRYPTOGAMIA Alga; Diatomacea.
Gen. Char. Frustules convex, united into a vexilli-
form or linear stipitate frond.
Spec. Char. Stem short. Frustules with two spots.
Syn. Achnanthes brevipes, Agardh Syst. Alg. 1.
FI. Dan. t. 1840. 2. Grev. Sc Crypt. Ft. t.
295. Duby Bat. Gall. 989. Agardh Consp.
Crit. Diat. 59. Hook. Eng. FI. v. 5. Pt. 1. 404.
Kulzing in Linn. v. 8. 574.
Echinella stipitata. Lyngb. Hyd. Dan. 210. t. 70.
and t. 59. A.
O n various Algae in Autumn and Winter. Found in
Appin, by Capt. Carmichael; at Margate, by the Rev.
M. J . Berkeley.
Frustules 1—9, hyaline, oblong or elliptic, obtuse, sometimes
curved, or even forming an obtuse angle joined into
vexilliform or short linear fronds, attached by one angle to a
short slender, sometimes flexuous, stem. The frustules,
which are very variable in length, contain a cell of the same
form, at either extremity of which is a golden yellow spot.
These appear under moderate magnifiers globose or elliptic,
but under high powers they are found to be conformable to
the portion of the cell which they occupy, and their centre to
be occupied by a distinct globose corpuscle. Between them
at the base is a single colourless globule. In the basal frus-
tule I have observed the globules to be wanting, but this is
probably only accidental. There can be no doubt that the
plant here figured is a form of Achnanthes brevipes, though