LIL1UM Martagon.
Martagon Lily. Turk’s-cap Lily.
H E X A N D R IA Monogynia.
Gen. Char. Perianthium inferior, 6-petaled, cam-
panulate. Petals with a longitudinal nectariferous
line. Stamens shorter than the style. Stigma
entire. Caps, trigonous. Seeds flat.
Spec. Char. Leaves whorled, ovato-lanceolate.
Flowers reflexed. Corolla revolute.
Syn. Lilium Martagon. Linn. Sp. PI. JVilld.v.2.
88. Bot. Mag. 1634.
k jO frequent an ornament of our gardens as is the Martagon
Lily, which has undoubtedly been a denizen of them
for nearly three centuries, its naturalization can scarcely
be deemed equivocal; and while the CEnothera and the
Datura, the date of whose introduction is far more recent,
are from their vagrant habits universally adopted in our
catalogues of British plants, it would be fastidious to hesitate
on the admission of so beautiful a member to our native
Flora. Communicated by the Rev. William A. Bromfield
and Mr. Borrer, from a copse on the grounds of Mr. Reid
at Woodmanstone, about five miles from Epsom, well
known to the inhabitants of the village under the name of
Turk’s-cap Shaw. It grows among the thick underwood
in great abundance, and is remembered by the older people
of the neighbourhood to have flourished truly wild in
that locality for more than half a century. Found likewise