Probably the'present plant is not uncommon, but has
been overlooked as a form of P . Hydropiper, from which it
is distinguished by its hairy, not glandular, ochreae, erect
spikes, glandless calyx, 5-androus flowers, and style divided
only half-way down. From P. minus it differs by its funnel
shaped, not adpressed ochreae, thickened spikes, fruit
of double the size, and 5-androus flowers. Upon dry land
it sometimes approaches closely to P. Persicaria in the
form of its spikes, but they still retain an inversely conical
form, which we believe is not found in that plant. A small
portion of a dry land specimen is introduced in the plate.
In this species the lower part of the stem is prostrate or
slightly ascending, and sends out roots at each joint, then
erect with long divaricated branches, slightly thickened
above the joints. Leaves lanceolate, subcordate at their
base, but sometimes attenuated, slightly wavy ; their margins
fringed with hairs pointing forwards, and the midrib
slightly hairy above. Ochreae funnel-shaped, clothed with
a few adpressed hairs, rather strongly fringed, not at all
glandular. Flowers with 5 stamens, and usually only 2
styles, which are connected for about half their length;
sepals 4, but rarely 5, without glands, rose-coloured.
Spikes erect, long, interrupted, thickening and becoming
rather more dense upwards ; in dry places much shortened
and condensed, but still thickening from below upwards.
Fruit slightly rough and somewhat shining, lenticular, with
one of its faces more convex than the other, or rarely triquetrous;
the faces ovate and acute.
The late Mr. Sweet considered this as P. minus, and denominated
Hudson’s plant P. repens. It was first detected
by Prof. La Gasca of Madrid, by the road side at Chelsea,
at which place, and also near Cambridge, we have recently
observed it. It frequents wet ditches. The drawing was
made from specimens gathered in a ditch by the river side,
below Cambridge, on the 4th of October, 1839.—C. C. B.
YOL. X X X IX ., ob VOL. I I I . of the SU P P L EM E N T .
I IMS tuberosa ................. 2818
Fedia auricula ............................ 2809
---- - carinata ............................ 2810
Scirpus pungens .................. 2819
Bromus maximus....................... 2820
Glyceria Borrei............................ 2797
Spartini alterniilora.................... 2812
Potamogeton longifolius........... 2847
------oblongus ............................. 2849
------prselongus............................. 2858
------platagineus......................... 2848
Echium violaceum .................... 2798
Herniari ciliata............................ 2857
Ouscuta epilinum........................ 2850
Bunium bulbocastanum ........... 2862
Allium Ambiguum .................... 2803
—>— spbserocepbalum............... 2813
Lilium Martagon........................ 2799
Polygonum maritimum ........... 2804
------Eaii ...................................... 2805
------dumetorum ......................... 2811
------laxum .................................. 2822
------mite ...................................... 2867
Arenaria Norvegica................... 2852
. Icosandria.
Prunus cerasus............................ 2863
Ranunculus ophioglossifolius ... 2833
Linaria Pelisseriana .............. 2832
Orobanche barbata .................. 2859
Alyssum calycinum.................. 2853
Sinapis Obeirantbus .............. 2821
Erucastrum incanum .............. 2843
Polygala vulgaris, ß oxyptera... 2827
Ononis reclinata ...................... 2838
Artbrolobium ebracteatum....... 2844
Lotus bispidus.......................... 2823
Hypericum linarifobum.......... 2851
Habenaria bifolia...................... 2806
Orcbis laxiflora.......................... 2828
Neotta aestivalis ...................... 2817
Euphorbia coralloides.............. 2837
Oallitriche platycarpa.......... 2864
Carex rupestris.......................... 2814
----- leporina.............................. 2815
Myrorphyllum alterniflorum ... 2854
Mercurialis ambigua .............. 2816
Atriplex deltoidea .................. 2860
Obara pulcbella ...................... 2824
Bryum albicans ...................... 2836
----- Ludwigii .......................... 2855