LAMINARIA Fascia, y. latior.
Fillet-like Laminaria.
CRYPTOGAMIA Algce Inarticulate.
Gen. Char. Frond coriaceous (rarely membranaceous)
plane, expanded, without a midrib. Fructification
; seeds or granules, forming dense sori,
and imbedded in the thickened surface of some
part of the frond.
Spec. Char. Frond submembranaceous, linear, very
narrow, undulated, very much attenuated at the
Syn. Laminaria fascia, Ag. Sp. Alg. v. f 122.
Syst. 273.
Fucus Fascia, CEder FI. Dan. t. 768. Turn. Syn.
186. Roth Cat. fuse. 2. p. 161.
/3. tenuior. Ulva fascia, Lyngb. Hyd. Dan. 28.
y. latior. Fucus fascia, Alg. Damnon. no. 157.
F r o n d s tufted, 5M7 inches long, springing from a
minute scutate base, thin, membranaceous, linear-lanceolate,
very much attenuated below, in general rather obtuse ;
sometimes slightly dilated and emarginate as if from a
tendency to become divided; green when young, acquiring
when older a brown tint. The border is very slightly undulated.
Our specimens were sent by the Rev. H. Pen-
neck, who collected them in Penzance Bay, in April, 1839.
They accord exactly with those published in the Algce
Damnonienses, gathered, but very rarely, at Sidmouth and
Torbay, and referred by Mrs. Griffiths to Fucus Fascia of
CEder and Turner. We have seen the plant in a dry state