EUPHORBIA coralloides.
Coral-like hairy Spurge.
MONOECIA Monandria.
Gen. Char. Involucrum of one piece, including several
barren flowers and 1 fertile. Barrenflower
a single stamen without calyx or corolla. Fertile
flower a single pistil without calyx (or rarely a
very minute one) or corolla. Germen 3-lobed.
Styles 3-cleft. Caps 3-seeded.
Spec. Char. Umbel 5-fid, then 3-fid, and 2-fid.
Universal bracteas ovate-oblong; the partial ones
ovate; all villose. Glands of the involucrum
4, roundish. Leaves broadly lanceolate, minutely
serrated at the apex, villose. Capsules nearly
smooth, woolly. Seeds obovate, minutely punctate
and reticulate-rugose.
Syn. Euphorbia coralloides. Linn. Herb.—Ameen.
Acad. v. 3. 123. Sp. PI. v. 1. 659. Willd. Sp.
PI. v. 2. 916. Roep. Euph. 60. Reich. FI. Ex-
curs. no. 4768. Babington, in Linn. Trans, v.
17. 461.
E. pilosa. Hooker, Br. FI. ed. 1. 382. (excl. syn.
Reichenb.) Lindl. Syn. ed. 2. 329. ?
E. pilosa u. Hooker, Br. FI. ed. 3. 388. ed. 4. 326.
E. procera (3. trichocarpa. Koch. Syn. 630.
I ^ O O T scarcely more than biennial, (?) stem erect,
with a few distant leafless branches, all bearing flowers;
leaves broadly lanceolate, generally obtuse, very finely ser