Tarm e'lui' cartzlagin ea#
PARMELIA cartilaginea.
Cartilaginous Parmelia.
Gen. Char. Scutellce formed from the thallus, affixed
by a central point, the circumference free. Disk
of a different substance from the margin.
Spec. Char. Thallus cartilaginous, imbricated, greenish
grey ; underside pale and naked; segments
many-cleft, linear, flabelliform. Scutellae dilated,
flattish, lobed; margin slightly elevated, narrow ;
disk buff.
Syn. Parmelia cartilaginea. Ach. Meth. 184. Fries,
Lick. Eur. Reform. 112.
Lecanora cartilaginea. Ach. Lich. Univ. 415. Syn.
Squammaria cartilaginea. De Cand. FI. Fr. v. 2.
Lichen cartilagineus. <c Swartz” Ach. “ Nov. Act.
Stockh. v. 16. t. 5.ƒ. 4.” Prod. 97. Wahl. FI.
Suec. 812.
K in d l y sent by the Rev T. Salwey, who discovered
it in September, 1835, near the outlet of Llyn Bodlyn,
among the mountains above Barmouth, on a large mass of
rock upon the shore. Although it has been hitherto unpublished
as British, a specimen communicated by Mr. Alexander,
from Yorkshire, was in the possession of the late celebrated
Mr. Dickson more than thirty years ago.
Thallus spreading from a centre in round pulvinate
patches (in Mr. Salwey’s largest specimen nearly 4 inches in
diameter, and 4 or 5 lines thick in the middle). Segments
crowded, imbricated, thickish, cartilaginous, rigid when dry,
flexible when wet, irregularly linear, repeatedly and somewhat
dichotomously divided, but so intricate that the mode
of subdivision is for the most part hardly discoverable, with
variously sinuated and flexuose edges, and slightly dilated
extremities, which are occasionally incrassated; internal
substance white, with a green layer near the surface; upper
surface smooth, unpolished, pale greenish grey, scarcely