ONONIS reclinala.
Small spreading Rest-Harrow.
D IA D E L P H IA Decandria.
Gen. Char. Calyx 5-cleft, its segments linear. Standard
large, striated. Legume turgid, sessile, few-
Spec. Char. Herbaceous, viscid, pubescent. Stems
ascending. Flowers axillary, solitary. Pedicels
shorter than the leaf, flower, or pod, without
bracteas. Corolla about equal to the calyx.
Leaves ternate, leaflets obovate-cuneate, serrated
at the tip. Stipules ovate. Pods cylindrical,
reflexed, with 14— 18 tuberculated seeds.
Syn. Ononis reclinata. Linn. Sp. PI. 1011. De
Cand. Prod. v. 2. 162.? Bot. Gall. 121.?
Sebast. et Mauri, FI. Rom. 236. Lois. FI. Gall,
ed. 2. v. 2. 114. Hooker, Br. FI. ed. 4. 268.
tV O O T small, annual, the whole plant covered with
viscid glandular hairs. Stems ascending, round, slightly
branched, 5—6 inches long. Leaves ternate, stalked ; leaflets
obovate-cuneate, serrated at the apex, the intermediate
one largest; the lateral ones sometimes wanting on the upper
leaves. Stipules broad, ovate, apiculate, dentate in the
Galloway specimens, minutely denticulate or quite entire
in those from Alderney. Peduncles shorter than the leaves,
flowers, or pods, without bracteas. Sepals linear-lanceolate,
acute, about as long as the pale pink striated corolla, but
slightly shorter than the cylindrical reflexed pod. Seeds
14—18, reniform, tuberculated, slightly compressed.