BRYUM Ludwigii.
Ludwig’s Thread-Moss.
Gen. Char. Fruit-stalk terminal. Peristome double ;
outer, of 16 teeth ; inner, a membrane divided
into 16 equal segments, usually with intermediate
filiform processes. Calyptra dimidiate.
Spec. Char. Stems ascending. Leaves ovate, concave,
obtuse, flaccid, entire, their nerve ceasing
below the apex. Capsule pendulous, sub-pyriform.
Lid conical, obtuse.
Syn. Bryum Ludwigii. Schwaegr. Suppl. I. v.2 .9 5 .
t. 68.jBridel. B r.Univ.vA. 647. (not Mougeot and
Nestler. Stirp. Crypt, no. 831.) Hooker Engl.
Fl. 1 5. Pt. I. 59.
F R O M the Clova Mountains in August 1836.
Stems crowded, two inches long, procumbent below,
erect above. Leaves broadly ovate, rather obtuse, distant,
lax, and spreading, concave, pellucid, slightly serrulate at
the apex, singularly decurrent at the base, distinctly reticulated;
the nerve not very strong, extending nearly to
the summit: on the fertile stem the leaves are more approximated;
and deeply tinged with red. Perichmtial
leaves narrowly lanceolate, the margin much recurved.
Capsule oblong and somewhat pyriform, pendulous, fur